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9:00 am - Los Angeles Police Department

"So Will's a 30 year old choreographer and an owner of a studio right?" Sheriff Ryan said, reading his files.


"So how did you find out about the incident"

"It all started in the studio. We were about to film then suddenly all the lights turned off" Kaycee said

"All the lights?"

"Yes. Just the lights" Sean said

"Hmm" the man said while writing the information on his notebook. "Go on"

"After that Will went out to check on the wirings. He left us with his wife, Janelle. We waited for 2 hours but he didn't come back. So we deci-"

"Wait hold on, 2 hours?"

"Mhm" Sean said, trying to hide his annoyance

Why does this guy keeps on repeating what I say?

"So we decided to check him out. We walked through the halls and saw the janitor's closet open. I was about to close it but noticed the knob is covered by blood. Sean used his foot to open the door wider and there we saw Will" Kaycee finished the story.

"I guess that's the end right?" Sheriff Ryan asked


The man stood up and shook both of their hands.

"Thank you very much for coming. I'm not saying that this will be your last interview. We'll just call you for updates"



They drive through the busy streets of la, soft musics and laughters filling the car. Their appointment went pretty quick and now they're heading to the mall to grab some groceries for their lunch that Sean will be obviously cooking.

"Ok enough with this nonsense" Kaycee chuckled

"Your face looks like a tomato Rice" Sean laughed

"What's wrong with my cheeks?" She whined

"Nothing, I think it looks cute" He said with a wink

"Oh, so you think I'm cute" The girl smirked

"I mean.. I was reffering to your height?"


Sean shook his head and laughed his ass out, smacking his hand on his lap. He then stopped when he saw that glare that she always throw on him when she gets annoyed. He threw his hands up in surrender and continued on driving.

"So.." he laughed awkwardly. "Thoughts on Will's case?"

It took a minute before he got a response from the girl, not surprised of her actions. Silence filled the car as he waited patiently for Kaycee to say a single word.

"I don't even know Sean! He deserves a lot better. I don't get it. Once he was just with us in the same room, teaching and encouraging kids and then on a tick of a clock he's gone? How is that fair? He promised us to be there on our first collab class next month,"


"he said he's gonna take me to tour with him, he said he has a lot of projects in mind that we're gonna be part of it, he told me last wee-"

"Kaycee Caitlyn Rice!"

The girl stopped herself from rambling as her tears started pouring. She grabbed the hem of her sweater and hid her face there, trying to contain her audible sobs escaping her lips.

"Kaycee" He parked the car in the available lot near a cafe as he started pulling the girl closer to him. He let her cry her emotions out and waited for her to stop, rubbing small circles on her back. He can't blame her. She was right. Will is still young to leave this world. He still have a lot of things to experience and to do but death isn't stoppable. We're all like ticking bombs, time's running till it stops, gesturing us to death. I guess Will's time is over. He already did the things a choreographer should be doing, to spread love and positivity. That's what he did. Now look at his students, flying to different places to teach kids like he does, influencing dancers like he does, they all learned that from him that dance isn't just for fun but it  also connects different ethnicity and share their commons, in this case the art of dancing. He still couldn't belive it. His once second father is already gone.

He noticed Kaycee's breathing slowing, matching his phase. He gave her a small kiss on the forehead and placed the girl on his lap, her back facing him.

"Hey" He whispered. "You know we're gonna find justice right?"

"How Sean? With the help of that stupid sheriff? Based on my experience in the interview, he's umm how am I gonna say this.."

"I get what your saying" He chuckled "We're gonna get justice, by saying "we're", I mean we"

"You mean us?"


"Are you serious? We ain't investigators"

"But now we are. We're gonna check all his sources. All the possible suspects and reasons. We're gonna get through the bottom of this I promise. Are you in?"

"As long as it's for Will, count me in"

"That's my girl"


They happily munch on the delicious food Sean cooked. They went to Seans' room immediately after they eat and grabbed pens and notebooks, preparing for what they're doing.

"Sean, I think we'll be needing some help"


After 30 minutes or so, all six of the teens are gathered in the middle of Sean's room. Bailey, Tahani, Julian, and Josh are now joining Sean and Kaycee, confused of the sudden invite.

"What's up?" Josh asked

"We have a proposal" Sean said

"Proposal?" Bailey asked

"More like a suggestion?" Sean said, not completely sure of his statement.

"An idea" Kaycee chiped in

"So," Tahani stretched and placed her phone down. "This seems to be interesting huh?"

"Oh you have no idea"

"Then tell us Rice" Julian said, interested

"We were thinking of solving Will's case"

"What?!" They all said in union

"My sister watches Riverdale, I'm not doing those kind of shit where teens like us spends their time minding others business" Tahani exclaimed

"This isn't for "others business", it's Will we're talking about" Sean said

"Guys, we are doing this for Will. You see, when we were at the interview with Sheriff Ryan, it didn't go well. It went like pretty quick. By I say "quick", I mean just about 5 minutes. He didn't sound so interested. He's not serious about this case" Kaycee explained.

"He can't be "not serious" about this, it's his job" Josh whined

"We know. If you were guys there you'll know what we mean. Now, I have one question, are you guys in?" Sean asked with hope.

He recieved a chorus of hesitant "sure" from them but took it as a yes.

"So!" He clapped his hands. "We're now doing this! I'm so hyped up!"

"Of course you'll be! You spend half of your day reading creepy articles and cases" Bailey said with annoyance

"Whatever bails"

"So, when are we starting this solving Will's case thing?" Julian asked

"Get yourselves ready boos, we're starting right now" Kaycee said with a grin.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2019 ⏰

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