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Dull blue eyes watch me, making my body hot in embarrassment. I continue to bandage Fetty's arm, wrapping the cloth tight around the scratch on his knee. He mumbled his thanks before he gets up, nodding and limping away. I sigh, the gaze ever watching as I put the leftover bandages and gauze away. I grab my small pack of first aid and turn away to put it up, a voice speaking so suddenly I jolt.

"You really have a knack for first aid girlie.."

"Well id hope so. I've been doing this my whole life," I reply, tucking the kit into my home.

I glance back at the speaker, meeting his dull blue gaze. He smiles at me, making me smile back, "You look like you're seeing fine today. Your sight is good enough to mock me, Time,"

Time chuckles huskily, the wrinkles in his dark skin deepening from doing so, "Oh ho, I would never do that to you Riley. Cut an old man some slack, I was just trying to make some convo. Why, you and the others are always running around, leaving' me behind." Time replies.

"We're not running around. We're trying to stay alive," I grunt, my tone harsher than I mean it to be.

Time pays no mind to my outburst, watching me with his half-blind eyes. He leans back against his seat, a smile still pressed onto his lips, "Harsh times doesn't mean we have to be harsh to our friends dear. Besides, things have been good lately. Our camp is comfortable and food has been plentiful, i am very grateful,"

"Well, I guess you're right. The worst thing that has happened is Fetty scratching his knee earlier," I couldn't help but chuckle as I mention my silver-haired friend's injury, glancing away from the older man to look at him.

Fetty was currently playing with his twin sister, Zena, the sword he held in his fingertips shining against the early morning light. He grunted as he jousted a log, Zena's laughter and teases making his face turn red. The twins were the youngest in our group, only fifteen. I turn away from them, spotting a familiar face. His light brown hair was slicked back with sweat, dragging a log to our firewood pile. His blue eyes looked up for a moment, making eye contact with me. My longest lasting friend's, Dustin, lips turn into a smile before he resumed his work, dragging the wood underneath his home so rain wouldn't soften it. Our camp was comfortable but not the best. It was practically a car graveyard. Our 'homes' were really just turned over cars, which made great shelter from rain and government patrols. We live far enough from the city we're mostly safe to do what we want out here. Fetty and Zena can play, Time can sit by the fire and grill meals for us, Dustin can work on our homes and chop trees with the help of Dylan. I turn away from watching Dustin work, seeing Dylan sitting with his girlfriend, Winnie. The two had their heads bent together, babbling happily as they sat atop their flipped vehicle-home. I look away in disgust when they start to kiss, spotting Nixie and Liam. Nixie holds a gun in her hands, teaching her curly-haired friend about aim. Neither Liam nor Nixie fire the weapon due to the noise it would cause, none of us wanting driven away from the camp we've worked so hard to make home. Patrols barely bother us out here, far from the city and just out on the edge of the slums where no one cares enough to inspect much. Even if we are seen it doesn't matter, no one truly wants to mess with a group of homeless teens if we're not doing anything suspicious. Im pulled out of my thoughts when Time clears his throat, turning to look at him. My eyes widen, seeing a spark of white light in his dull blue eyes. It's been so long since we received a vision, I had nearly lost hope. I watch him carefully, waiting patiently for him to speak. He blinks slowly as the light fades, a smile crossing his face, "The whisper of a flame will bring us peace..." he mumbled, looking into the dulling fire in front of us.

"What?" I asked with a frown, "What does fire have to do with peace? You're looking at a flame right now... are we supposed to burn down the Hex?" I grumble, referring to the government's base.

"Don't question it my dear. Peace will be here soon. Maybe not in my lifetime, maybe not even yours... but revolution will come. We'll turn paths," Time says, still smiling.

I've never seen him look so happy. He looks peaceful for once, a promise for the future. I can't believe peace can come so soon, let alone with the promise of an old blind man with a rare ability. I have reason to believe every Sight has been killed off by now. They can see the future, everyone's future but their own. Though I have reason to believe Time is a rare class, class A. I think he knows his own fate but never says a word about it. I've known him for so long and nothing about his ability seems normal. He most likely keeps to himself so we aren't startled by his bad visions. Hell, he practically adopted Dustin and I. No, he's practically adopted all of us. Time grabs his tattered blanket and pulls it over himself, startling me as he speaks, "Leave me be. I'm tired now."

"Alright, Alright, i get it. I'll leave you be." I reply, turning away.

I head to my vehicle home, a wrecked Mercedes. I've ripped out everything to keep a mattress in there for a bed and it has plenty of storage for my belongings. I grab my first aid kit and tuck it away into its cubby for safe keeping. I let myself think about Time's vision again.

The whisper of a flame will bring us peace.

The hell does that mean? I should ask Dustin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2019 ⏰

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