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September 2, 2018

The wind howled on a cool night..

Older members of the lupine pack were in a council meeting down stairs in the living room of their pack house, while the younger members were sound asleep upstairs.

Ten minutes after the council meeting was finish, the fire alarm began ringing throughout the house, which awoke the younger garou (wolves) from their sleep. Five girls and four boys sat up in their beds. The young teens began to hear thumping noises, which made them throw the covers off and hopped out of bed.

"What's going on?" they wondered. I don't know, said one of the boys.

Out of nowhere,

Ahhhhh!, the sound of a female voice echoed from downstairs. They immediately threw the room door  open, which let in a cloud of thick black smoke. They began to cough uncontrollably, but pulled themselves together and quickly rushed downstairs, pushing through the smoke. When they finally made it downstairs, their eyes widen with shock, as they saw the older members of the pack fighting with male figures in black clothing, while being surrounded by flames. These men who were fighting their family were the hunters, who were ruthless and wanted to get rid of what they thought were evil.

Suddenly, that's when they saw female alpha Willow lupine fall to the t floor after being struck by multiple electric rods.

"Mom no!", yelled two biracial teens as they see her fall to the fall and  lay there unconscious. After being stunned for a moment, the brother and sister take off running towards her, dodging the weapons and punches of the men standing between them and their mother. The boy dodges punches of the man that stood before him with ease, then turned around quickly to grab the man by his jacket, then throwing him out the window. His sister leaps in the air to flip over the daggers that are being thrown by the other man, while making herself side slip to kick the man in his head.

After that they rush over to their knocked out mother, fortunately she was ok but weak. Jessie! Marie! yelled a strong male voice , which made them turn to see who it was. It was the alpha of the pack, their farther, Arthur Lupine. I need you two to gram your mom then get out of here and go with Benjamin alright, he said while struggling with multiple hunters. Jessie ignored him, as he saw that he needed help, as he tried to go help he was unfortunately met by a huge, but lean figure. This hunter seemed to be in his in his early thirties and was tall, with dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and black clothing like the others.

Jessie picked up this weird and dark vibe from the man, but did his best to shrug it off, because he knew his farther needed help, so he charged at the hunter. He began swinging left and right at the man, but the man dodged after every punch, then using the skills he had the hunter maneuvered in many different ways to confused Jessie, which it did. Jessie threw a left punch at the man who he thought was going left, but he was actually going right and was able to go pass Jessie to go behind him, grabbing his shirt and flinging him to the ground. Jessie tried to get up, but the man quickly pressed his foot into Jessie's chest.

"Where do you think you're going?" the man asked mockingly

Jessie struggled, punching, trying to free himself, but to no avail, and realizes he's not going anywhere. The man sees the look of discouragement on Jessie's face, and cracks a wicked smile. Jessie looks up in to the man's eyes, only to see that he's getting a sick trill out of this. The man then reaches into his black leather jacket, as his hand resurfaces it is handling a long silver dagger with symbols engraved on the blade and a black handle. It begins to shimmer in Jessie's eyes, which only happens when loup-Garou (werewolves) get to close to silver, this happens to be one of few things that can harm wolves.

The hunter grips the blade tightly and raises it, then starts to mutter words in a unknown language only he knew. Once finished, he began to let his arm fall, as the blade is started to descended towards Jessie, he really thought it was over. Suddenly, the blade stopped out of nowhere with the tip of the blade barley reaching Jessie's chest. That's when both the man and Jessie looked over to see Jessie's dad gripping the man's wrist, then he quickly grabs the back of the hunter's jacket and flings him across the living room, causing him to hit the wall. This gave Arthur a moment to talk to Jessie before the man could gather himself.

"My son it is your time now", said Arthur. You will need to take on Lead and protect our family from now on, then he took Jessie's hand to bring him close. Arthur whispered something in his ear, once he was done Jessie looked at him with a stunned look on his face, but then he pushed Jessie away.

Do you understand me? Asked Arthur firmly

"But dad what about you?" Jessie responded with worry in his voice

"Go!!!!" yelled Arthur.

Jessie felt a tug on his arm. It was his Uncle Benjamin, who was the best friend of his dad.

"Take him!" said Arthur to Benjamin, as his stood between his son and the hunters.

Benjamin grabbed Jessie tightly and drug him away from danger, while Jessie shouted for his dad.

Dad! Nooo!

The house roof gave way and began to collapse from the flame. They had just made it through the viscous flames that were blocking the door then made their way into the woods, disappearing into the night and not looking back.

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