Chapter One: Newly arrived

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A year and four months later,

Two vehicles are heading towards the town of Lewisburg, Minnesota. Driving ahead in the front is a black 2019 Altima, while in the back is a gray 2011 Jeep Wrangler.

Driving the Altima was Willow lupine, next to her sleeping in the passenger seat was Jessie, who was now 17. While in the back was Marie who was now 16, and listening to music. Driving the jeep wrangler was Angel Lewis, who was 16, Jessie's best friend and the eldest son of Benjamin, next to him in the passenger seat was one of his younger brothers Mark, who was the oldest twin by a minute. In the back seat was Noah, who was playing a fighting game against his brother on their phones, and they were now 13.

"Hey kiddo, were here," said Willow as she taps her sleeping son. After the third and fourth tap, Jessie finally opened his lids, which showed his hazel green eyes.

Jessie sat up to see that they were passing cut fields, barns and saw horses running along the grass. After yawning and stretching, Jessie turns to look out the window to catch a glimpse of the Welcome to Lewisburg sign. Once they entered the city, gift shops, restaurants, homes, and different sculptures of statues began to appear.

It was close to Halloween, most of the buildings and house were covered in decorations. After looking around for a bit they continued on through city for a few miles, the dashboard GPS system tells them to keep going a quarter-mile. They've reached their destination, then turned right, entering the gravel driveway that leads to a green clapboard house. The cars come to a halt and turn the cars off.

They see a red 2019 Toyota C-HR parked beside a U-Haul truck. The Toyota belonged to Benjamin, who went ahead of everyone to get everything set up for their arrival. Everyone got out the cars and started to stretch after a long journey. All the boys were basically wearing the same thing, hoodies with basketball shorts and Nike shoes. Marie was wearing a blue short sleeve blouse, with tan jeans and blue slip-in shoes, while Willow wore a white Nike shirt, with regular blues jeans and white slip-in shoes. Once they were done stretching everyone grabbed their bags and began to walk towards the house.

The house was huge, the clapboards were repainted and the windows were huge. As they made it to the steps, Benjamin walked out of the house with a proud grin on his face.

"What do you think?" Benjamin asked.

They kept observing the house for a moment, noticing that's it's a two-story, which means more woods and the roof was a nice color gray.

"Not bad," said Jessie and Marie.

"Good job," said Willow.

"Nice work pops," said Angel.

After hearing this, Benjamin's grin grew to a huge smile. He then turned to his youngest two, but the twins just responded with a thumbs up, because they were distracted with their game, which annoyed Benjamin. After that, they headed into the house to check everything out.

Inside the house was massive and beautiful. The floors were made from oak wood, while the walls were weather wood. The kitchen floor was a gray marble tile and so were the counters.

"By the way, it's a six -bed room house," said Benjamin. Four upstairs and two downstairs.

The teens looked at each other, then immediately took off, racing upstairs while shoving each other in the process. Angel and the twins were the first to reach the top of the stairs, so they were able to snatch the best rooms. And so since Marie and Jessie were last they made their way to the last two rooms at the end of the hall. Jessie took the left room and Marie took the right one. Unfortunately, the room was a bit smaller for Marie's taste, as for Jessie he really didn't mind because all he needed was good enough space for the few possessions he had.

Once everything was finished being unloaded and put in their designated areas, Willow prepared a late dinner. Thirty-minutes had passed and the young wolves were dying from hunger.

Benjamin began placing plates on the table, while Willow started taking the food out of the oven. Once the food cooled down she placed the food pans in the middle of the table. One-pan pork chops, mash potatoes, and a taco lettuce wrap for Marie, because even though she was a wolf she didn't like eating just meat all the time. While Benjamin's long food blessing was taking forever, the steamy scent of food shot up the young wolves nostrils, their instincts kicked in. After the blessing was done the kids shoveled food into their mouths like the animals they were.

Benjamin and Willow were stunned at how the food was being completely diminished, so when seconds and thirds were finally gone everyone began straitening, with washing dishing, cleaning the table, sweeping, and throwing away trash. Now exhausted the kids start making their way for the stairs until they heard Ben's voice, which made them stop. They turned to see what he needed.

"Wait before you go to bed," he said, "I have something to tell you".

"What's up", said Jessie with a curious look on his face.

"I know it's been a while since you guys have been to regular, so Willow and I thought since we found a safe place for a while, it would be great to let you guys go back to school", he said.

The teen's eyes widened after hearing the news. Ever since the hunters attacked they just decided to stay low and out of public view, so they just did homeschool for the past year and four months.

"You serious?" Jessie asked, we really can go back.

"Indeed", responded Benjamin

Yes! , shouted the twins while giving each other high fives.

"About the time I was dying without the daily dosage of girls," said Angel. Everyone sighed and shook their heads at him.

"How do you feel Marie?" asked Willow.

"I'm glad, she responded. As long as I don't have to be around these dorks every five minutes I will be alright. The boys glared at her little comment.

"These are your school documents for Thomas. Wayne high, and the principal there is a good friend of mine, so he will look after you guys. After receiving their school information, everyone said their goodnights and headed to their rooms.

Meanwhile, later that night in the West Virginia hills hurried footsteps are tearing through the woods, each step propelling their maker with a great spread. Suddenly from behind, out of nowhere an arrow moves through the air with ease.

Ahhh, a scream broke the peace of the quiet night. A young man has fallen to the ground from being injured by the mysterious arrow in his thigh. He groans from the agonizing pain being caused by the silver arrow tip. He sits up to look at the situation, and after a moment of looking, he knows this is really bad. The entire arrow was laced with silver and soon it would spread through his entire body, so he decided to rip his shirt then wraps the pieces around his hands. Then he grips both ends of the arrow and uses most of his strength to break the arrow and pull it out. Once it was done he used the other pieces of his shirt to wrap around his leg.

With the last of his strength, he tries his best to crawl away, but to no use. A large black glove came unexpectedly out of the blue and grab the young man, picking him up by the neck. The massive hand's grip began to get tighter around his neck. The young man looks down to see another man who seems to be older than him and wearing black clothing. He was tall, with dark brown hair, dark brown eyes. The man holding seems to be familiar to the young one, and that's when it hit him.

This was the hunter that was apart of the hunter group, which took out his pack, and took and took away his alpha, he thought to himself. The man noticed a tattoo of the new moon on the young man's arm, which was the symbol of the lupine pack. He looked up at the young man to show him a wicked smirk, which pissed the young man off, so he spoke.

"The lupine pack will make you pay. They will become strong once, and they will come for you.

"Can't wait". Said the hunter, because I Merrick Black will cleanse this world of you all. After reaching inside of his leather jacket, he pulls out the same silver dagger from before, then begins to thrust the blade forward. The young man closes his eyes right before the implement, then it is over

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