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I know some days you think that I don't see you

That I don't know who you are

Because if I knew half of who you truly were

Then nobody would love a guy like you

But guess what

I see you

I see every bit of baggage you have

The things you tell me and the things you try to hide

I see your past

I see everything you've ever told me

Even the stuff you never wanted anyone else to know

I see all the things that keep you in your head

The things that keep you up at night

The reasons why at 5, 6, 7 am you can't sleep

I see it all

But I also see the man who loves to make me laugh

The man who has so many interests

And so many passions

The man who can make me smile because he knows the right things to say

The man who can calm me down in a single moment

The man who thinks he's unlovable because of who he is

I see everything

I know you're not perfect

I know sometimes you struggle

I know you have a hard time finding your way

I know sometimes life scares you because it hasn't had the best track record of being kind

I know all of this

I know you

I know sometimes you wonder why I'm still here

Why I'm still standing by you Immensely in love with you

But when it comes to you 

I think you have a million reasons about you that makes me want to

Because I see you

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