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You can't say anything now

Someone loves you

Someone loves you unconditionally

No matter how much you don't understand it especially right now

That hard demeanor

And baggage you've been carrying around

You can put it down

We can sort it both out and I'll help carry some of the load

Why? Do you ask

Because I love you

I want nothing more than to see the weight lift off of your shoulders

And for light to feel your eyes

For your cheeks to twinge again to create a smile that rarely forms

I want your heart bursting at the seems because you feel hope

And I confidence in the fact that for once someone believes in you

I want you to relax into me because for once you feel relieved about your life and the future

That bag you've been carrying so long doesn't have to be there forever

It was there just long enough to put it down so someone else can help you carry it through

For me, I want to be that person for you

No matter how much you wonder why I'm still standing in front of you holding your hand through life's trials and downfalls

It's because I would do anything to stand by you through the storm until the point you can smile again

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