Damn Turnips

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"Princess! The sun is up and so should we be!" Vishnal announced as Frey groggily opened her eyes. She had already been up late in the night due to Venti's consistent howling.
"Good morning Vishnal..." Frey responded in a tired voice as Vishnal smiled brightly. The blue haired male leaned against a farming hoe as he watched the princess with a faint smile.
"How's your farm coming along? Last I heard you had the best turnips in town!" Frey chuckled as she sat up, her green hair flowing behind her shoulders.
"My farm is coming along, crops are growing and monsters are happy and content. Although, I wouldn't say I had the best turnips in town..."
"Nonsense!" Vishnal loudly objected. "That golden trophy in the trophy room says otherwise, and so does everybody's tastebuds." Frey smiled widely as she stood up, Vishanl immediately stepping aside to let her through.
"Thank you for the compliments Vishnal." Frey said softly as Vishnal bowed and walked away. She waited till the other male was out of sight as she changed into her everyday clothes.

Frey let out a sigh as she walked out and gathered dropped materials from her monsters. The fairy flew over and handed Frey a pouch of fairy dust, and of course Frey responded with giving the other an orange so the other could eat and be happy. Lugging items to the shipment bin she noticed Clorica walking her way.
"Ah! Clorica, right on time. I just finished putting my shipment away." Frey exclaimed with a smile as Clorica nodded groggily. She stopped in front of the box and fell asleep, but her hands were lighting fast as if still awake and working.
"Oh Clorica..." Frey mumbled as she walked to her field and plowed away, bags of seeds bustling around in her pouch. Sweat formed at her temples as she finally planted every last seed she had, and left the watering to her monsters.

She went up to Selphia airship way and walked among the corwd. The tourists, travelers, and townsfolk all laughed and smiled as they bantered to strangers and friends alike.'What a peaceful and friendly town. I'm so glad I ended up her, they've only been kind to me.' Frey thought as she walked into Porcoline's restaurant, back for another bread to help her with her skills.

"OHOHO! Marvelous hello!" Porcoline announced as Frey stood at the counter. "What can I do for you?" He asked as Frey pondered on what type of bread to buy.
"Two cooking bread please!" She smiled widely as Porcoline wrapped the two loaves up and handed them to Frey.
"200 gold." He responded as she handed him the right amount.
"Good day!" He yelled as Frey turned with loaves in hand and bumped right into a hard wall of a person. Looking up she saw the scowling face of Dylas.

"Good morning Dylas." Dylan merely crossed his arms as Frey backed away.
"I'm glad I ran into you! Ha literally, eh? Eh?" Frey joked, trying to lighten the mood. She saved the dark blue hairs man, but he didn't seem to have any form of gratitude towards Frey.
"What do you want? I'm working right now." Frey gulped amd brought out some Sashimi she made the night before, hoping food will bring a peace treaty between the two.
"For you." She said simply as Dylas's eyes widened with a slight blush. He hesitantly took the dish.
"T-thank you..." he mumbled as Frey gasped and looked at the time. "I have to go!" She yelled as she ran out of the restaurant and down selphia way.

Everyone in the crowd parted, used to the green haired princess running around in a busy manner. "Excuse me! Pardon me!" She yelled as she ran to the lobby of the castle, a scowling Venti looking down at Frey.
"You're late." She announced as Frey nodded as she tried to catch her breath.
"I know, I know." She said as the Dragon looked around for anyone else and collapsed to the ground.
"Now feed me some turnips or I'll have to eat you myself!" She yelled as Frey grew wide eyed.
"What?! That's why you called for a meeting today?!" Frey yelled as Venti nodded her head with a sly smile.
"Why of course. But also I need to communicate with the king. There have been news traveling around the town of a spy. So please have Arthur deliver that message."
"Alright then." She responded, taking a turnip from her bag, where she had many, and handing it to Ventuswill.
"Here you go, oh divine dragon!" She teased as Venti sat up and flapped her wings in annoyance.
"Begone you!" She yelled as Frey chuckled and was off (to find the wizard. The magical wizard of oz).

 Frey sprinted to the door beside Porcoline's restaurant and opened it to see Arthur hovering over his desk with piles of papers surrounding him.
"Arty ol' buddy! I have word from Venti!" Frey announced, startling Arthur as he slide sideways off his drsk, papers flying around everywhere.
"Frey! W-w-what a marvelous surprise. A message from lady Ventuswill?" He stuttered out, his cheeks a dark crimson as he tried to lean against the desk in a cool manner. Frey on the other hand openly laughed at the other's distress and awkwardness.
"Yes.. but it's quite serious..." Frey said, her mood changing as Arthur furrowed his brows.
"What is it?" He asked. Frey walked closer, boring a serious expression.
"Venti thinks there's a spy amongst us. Well, that's what she's heard from the gossiping crowds." Arthur looked at Frey seriously before letting out a small chuckle and shaking his head.
"Oh Frey, Lady Ventuswill should know better than to believe the gossiping of the town folk. I'm sure it's nothing." He waved off as Frey scrunched up her face in slight annoyance.
"Arthur... it would be better safe than sorry. She wanted you to deliver this message directly to the king." She explained as Athur smiled softly.
"I'm just the King's messenger boy? Hm?" He asked as Frey scoffed.
"Why are you acting like this Arthur? This could be serious!" Arthur simply sat down and let out a sigh. He intertwined his fingers, leaning his chin against his fist.
"Frey. I've dealt with very serious matters like this, but most of the time. Gossip is just gossip." He tried to explain.
"Maybe most of the time, but what if it's not this time?" Frey was concerned and annoyed, glaring at the prince.Arthur pushed up his glasses and stood up.
"Even if it wasn't, we can't do anything without solid proof and besides..." Arthur walked over and smirked. "A cutie like you shouldn't worry about such matters."

"The audacity!" Frey yelled as she slammed the door of the trade center. "Who does he think he is?! Oh yeah! A stupid spoiled prince!" She continued to yell, walking down the road as a dwarf stomped out of the grocery shop.
"Hey! Frey! Stop yapping and let my customers be in quiet peace!" He yelled as Frey glared at the small red headed boy.
"Doug! Now is not the time!" She yelled as she pushed past him.
"Ow! Hey what's your problem?!" He yelled as Frey stopped and heaved a loud sigh.
"I'm sorry Doug I just... no one listens to me in this town unless it's about how to raise a turnip. Or what clothes look cute. Useless stuff." Doug quietly walked over.
"That's not true. You're the princess hand picked by the Prince to do his duties. You fight monsters and protect this town." He explained as Frey looked over at Doug with a small smile.
"Doug...here. A thank you gift." Frey said, handing him a small Onigiri.
"What, why?" Doug asked, his eyes wide, as he was almost drooling at the sight.

"It's a thanks for being my friend. We are friends right?" Frey asked with a slight tilt of her head. Doug gulped and nodded, a small tinge of red to his cheeks.
"Y-yeah of course!" Frey smiled widely and started to walk away.
"Bye Doug! See you tomorrow!" She announced as Doug watched her run off.
"Oh Frey... if only you knew..."


Hey howdy! This book is slowly picking up pace.... step by step and inch by inch.
If you made it this far then congratulations, I love you! Mwah!

But seriously, I'm so excited to write this book! I haven't seen many good rune factory 4 books that don't revolve around either Leon or Dylas. Damn those hot furries.

But anyways, I hope you enjoy the book and don't be a Ghost reader! Like and/or comment so we can all be friends! Buy-bye!

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