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"Oh Venti! How are you this fine evening?" Frey exclaimed as she happily sprinted into the lobby. Venti raised a brow, suspicious of the other's good mood.
"What do you want?" She asked accusingly as Frey scoffed.
"Oh my good feathered friend I want nothing. I am content in my role as princess." Frey said with a wide smile. She remembers objecting to being called a princess, but now she sort of liked it. Especially from the reminder Doug gave of the important role Frey had to bare.

"But Frey... you're only a 'princess' in this town. Might as well just be a mayor, no you're more like a very generous knight." Venti admitted with a hearty laugh. Frey frowned a bit, knowing she was right.
"Yeah, but what would you do without moi?" Frey joked as Ventuswill cringed, her wings shaking.
"That was disgusting. You've been hanging out with Porcoline far too much." She shuddered as Frey shrugged.
"Besides, I know I'm not a real princess. But I have the duties as one, so the title doesn't hurt." Frey pressed on as Venti let out a "hmph." She lowered her head down with a smirk.
"You could be a princess, for real if you want." Frey's eyes lit up slightly but then she squinted at Venti with high suspicion.
"How?" She asked as Venti started to have a laughing fit.
"Why seduce and marry Prince Arthur of course!" She started to snort and roll around as Frey crossed her arms with a scowl.
"Not funny, that guy's so stuck up." She said, using her index finger to upturn her nose.
"Besides, I don't like him. Too busy and that weird haircut. Oh don't forget the glasses fetish he has!" Frey went on and on as Venti abruptly stopped laughing.

"Well you seem to know a lot about him. And you bring him either pickled turnip or Chinese manju every other day." Venti explained as Frey started to turn pink in the cheeks.
"That's because I want the Prince to like me, be on my side. It's good to have connections you know?"
"Mhm, whatever you say. Now go beat up some monsters or something. You have too much time on your hands after saving Leon." Venti announced with a huff, making Frey roll her eyes.
"Whatever you say milady." Frey bowed as Venti snickered. Their playful banter always made Frey feel better, her wide smile clear of that. She walked into the next room changed into her blue satin pajamas, sitting on the edge of her bed as she wrote away in her diary.

"Princess? You should be asleep by now." Frey looked up at where the voice was coming from, and smiled when she saw it was Vishnal.
"Don't worry, I'll be asleep soon. I just need to keep record of my thoughts of the day." Vishnal tilted his head as he walked over and sat besides Frey.
"I hope you don't mind me asking but...why?" He looked over at Frey, slight concern on his face as Frey let out a sigh.
"In case I forget..." she mumbled. That was all it took to make Vishnal a frantic worried mess.
"Oh princess! I promise something so terrible will never happen again! I'll protect and serve you for as long as I live!" Vishnal yelled, hugging Frey tightly as she loudly hissed.
"Shhh! You'll wake everybody up." She said soflty, small chuckled escaping her.
"Oh, I am so sorry.. oh a-and sorry..." he softly stammered, releasing Frey from his tight hold and jumping up to his feet.
"I'll be off now princess...goodnight..." he said, bowing, as Frey smiled widely and bowed her head.
"Goodnight Vishnal."

Frey's eyes popped open to the sound of Vishnal greeting her in the morning. The same old same old. 'Will everyday be the same in this town?' She thought. Even her adventures seemed to all be the same in some way. She went through her daily routine and finally walked out of the walls of the town, taking in a breath of fresh,wild air. But before she could set off on a journey that would most likely take all day, Forte yelled from beyond the walls. Frey stopped and let out a loud groan, stomping her feet.
"Really?! Now?! I was almost out of here..." she whined, unsheathing her sword as she let out another sigh.
"Here we go... rawr I shall hurt whoever stole or picked on someone this time..." Frey announced as she walked to the town square, speaking her usual monologue when trouble was afoot. This time she saw an unfamiliar soldier, along with Doug and Forte wielding their weapons.

Frey gasped as she ran towards them, furrowed brows and tense shoulders.
"What's going on here?!" She yelled as the soldier chuckled.
"'s you. Can't believe you're still alive, remember me?" Frey's eyes widened, along with Doug's and Forte's. All Frey could see and hear was yelling and throwing about of swords. It was a blur, happening so fast yet in slow motion as she had a flashback to that day.


"Hey! Tell us about the rune sphere!" The man yelled, fisting Frey's hair as she yelled helped with pain. Her eyes filled to the brim with tears.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about. What's a rune sphere?" The two men yelled at each other, their voices seemed muffled as Frey couldn't remember exactly what they said. Before she knew it she felt air slapping against her body as she saw the two men growing farther and farther away, looking like mere specks before her vision went black.


"Frey! What should we do?!" Frey snapped her head towards Forte, then looked at the scene before her. Blossom was hiding behind Doug as he pointed his short blade at the soldier.
"I see you've found out that we killed your village, and not that stupid dragon!" Doug's eyes widened as he stuttered out words. Frey didn't want to listen to the conversation but heard bits and pieces, things she didn't want to believe.
"Doug's a spy.." she muttered, her trust for him crippling. She shook away those thoughts and pointed her battle axe at the soldier.
"Enough nonsense, fight me you coward." Her voice was filled with venom. The soldier scoffed then laughed.
"This is why I want to rid the planet of earthmates, they're so damm stubborn!" He yelled before yielding a rune sphere, screams of agony escaping his lips as his figure contorted and popped. Frey took a step back at the gruesome sounds, the stench of death reeking havoc in her nostrils. The soldier's skin grew and shrunk, broke and snapped as it's his changed to a blood red, and his body replaced with that of a monster.
"Oh heaven holy..." Frey muttered as she looked up at the giant monster. "I just wanted to frolic in the woods man..." Frey complained as she swing her axe, the monster barely dodging as he screamed a blood curdling cry. Blood oozed from his side as Frey took another swing, landing it right in the middle of his chest. She dug it further in, hearing the crunch and feeling the thunk of metal between skin and organs. The monster shrieked and screamed the whole time, Forte silencing him by slicing his head from his body. Frey felt like she could throw up, but she couldn't. It would totally ruin her reputation.
"The beast... is slain.." Frey said as light emitted from the beast, his body swelling up till it exploded. The thrown about parts of the monster evaporating into the air in the shape of runes.
'What... the... frick frack was that?' Frey asked herself, eyes as wide as can be. The soldier stood their with clenched fists.

"This isn't the last of me!" He yelled, running off as Frey simply watched and shook her head.
"Little bit-" she got cut off as Doug walked over, a busted lip, bruised eye, and deep cuts all over his body and head.
"I-I'm sorry Frey... I lied to you and the people of this town. Could you..forgive me?" Doug admitted softly.
"Bi-" Frey cleared her throat, not to slur at the redhead.  "Just go to the clinic and get patched up okay? You've been hurt pretty badly." She said with a smile as Blossom tugged Doug by the sleeve, pulling him towards the clinic. Doug kept his eyes trained on Frey with a small smile and red cheeks.

"...Doug still protected Blossom. He still didn't want people of this town to get hurt." Forte rambled as Frey stopped dead in her tracks.
"Wait! That man had a rune sphere..." she gasped and ran into the lobby, where Venti was collapsed on the ground and panting.
"Venti!" Frey screamed aa the Dragon chuckled lightly.
"That's my name, don't wear it out." Frey huffed as she kneeled down and sat on her legs.
"Venti..." Ventuswill smiled a bit as she closed her eyes.
"I just need some rest for a little while." Frey smiled softly, standing up as she walked to the entrance. 'I'll talk to her about it tomorrow...' she thought, running straight to Arthur's usual hangout spot, the trade center.

Well wassup. Another day, another chapter. This one's a little late but eh, whatever. I wonder what will happen next , golly. I really don't know. (Sarcasim if you catch my drift)

Well buh-bye!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2019 ⏰

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