A Makeshift Family

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"Holy fuck, you should've seen how broken Patrick's face looked! Ben hit him in the nose with a rock as big as a baseball!" Bev exclaimed, hugging her boyfriend.

Richie laughed, Eddie still holding onto him tightly. "Damn, wish I could've seen it. Thanks for the last minute help, guys," he said as the rest of his friends filled Bill's room, surrounding the bed.

Eddie buried his face into Richie's shirt, realizing everyone was looking at him. He didn't want all of the attention.

Richie rubbed Eddie's back to soothe him. "So, what's the plan for today?" he asked, trying to keep Eddie from being uncomfortable.

"You could start by introducing whoever's hiding in your shirt," Bev said, though she figured it was the same person that Richie had shown up at her house to talk about.

"He's shy," Richie said, trying to get them to drop it.

"Sh-she's right, R-Richie," Bill stuttered out, eyes fixed on the back of Eddie's head. "Y-you can't just br-bring someone and n-not introduce them."

Richie sighed. "Eddie, this is everyone, everyone this is Eddie. He lives in the mansion on Kennedy street and he saved me and Stan from Henry's asshole gang. Good enough?"

"He's really talented when it comes to drawing," Bev said softly, making Eddie pull away from Richie and give her a confused look.

How could this girl he never met know about his drawings?

"How do you know I draw?" Eddie asked quietly, looking at Bev.

She smiled at him and sat at the end of the bed, handing Eddie a folded up piece of paper.

Eddie unfolded it and saw the mansion, then smiled brightly. "She didn't burn it," he whispered, but quickly shut his mouth when he saw everyone looking at him.

"Yeah, I took it last night. I wanted to show Bev that you were a real person, so I brought proof," Richie said, smiling down at Eddie.

"That's incredible," Ben said, gaping at the drawing.

Eddie smiled, feeling a little more comfortable around Richie's friends. He pulled away from Richie and sat next to him, legs crossed.

"I don't know all of your names," he said, hoping that he wasn't irritating the other teens.

Thankfully, they all smiled and went around the room, introducing themselves with a smile. The group seemed like a mass of good people, ones that Eddie was happy he got to meet.

They all had started talking when Eddie's stomach grumbled loudly.

"Hungry, Eds?" Richie asked.

Eddie blushed a bright red color. "No, no, I'm, uh, I'm okay," he said, only to have his stomach growl again.

"My dear Billiam, I do believe this fine young chap requires nourishment!" Richie said in his infamous British accent, jumping off the bed.

Bill rolled his eyes at Richie before turning to Eddie and smiling at him. "Come o-on, Eddie. We h-haven't eaten either. W-we have b-big breakfasts t-together on Fridays and th-then a sleepover at n-night. We're s-sort of like a m-makeshift family."

Eddie followed shyly to the big kitchen. He watched as everyone seemed to have their own tasks, working amongst themselves to make a different part of the meal.

Richie's task seemed to be just irritating everyone else, especially Stan.

"You're not doing a real good job cracking those eggs, my good sir," Richie said, peering over Stan's shoulder. "Maybe Bill could come help you," he added.

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