Chapter 17

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I wasnt doing nothing so i decided y not update. Ima do another one right after I'm finished writing this but as you guys probaly know...a bitch getting ready for homecoming so yeahh anyway readddd

Alina POV

"Girl come on! We ain't go out in forever!" Ariel says.

"Exactly we don't need to go out. Everytime we go out shit goes wrong," I say while flicking through channels.

"Please Alina?! I want too party and have fun and get drunk!" She whines.

"Fine,I'll go but you know August stubborn ass ain't letting you go out."

"Nigga please. August ain't my daddy," she says.

"Wasn't saying that last night," I hear a deep voice say. I turn toward Ariel, and behind her is August.

She chuckles nerviously,"August baby. You scared me."

"What you niggas talkin bout?" Chris says walking in and taking a seat next to me.

Me and Ariel look nerviously at eachother.

"Uh. We were thinking that we could go out tonight," I speak up.

"Yes we finna turnup," Chris says in a high pitched voice.

I laugh. "No Chris not we. Me and Ariel."

He face turns from happy to confused.

"Without me and September?"

August sucks his teeth.

I giggle. "Yes nigga. A girls night out. Honey coming too."

"Uh uh. Nope. No way," Chris says taking the remote from me.

"You ain't going nowhere either,"August says too Ariel.

"Uh. The fuck you mean? I'm practically grown I can go where I want," I say. Ariel agrees.

"We gone go yall. Alina text me what time we going tonight," Ariel says, walking toward the door.

"Aight I will."

"You ain't going nowhere Ariel,"August says again.

"And why not?" She fires back.

"Because I said so,"August says.

"Whatever. Remeber Alina text me when you ready," Ariel says completely ignoring August.

They walk out and Chris closes and locks the door.

"You still ain't going Alina," Chris says.

I get up and go in the kitchen to get some kool aid.

I ignore him and pour the juice.

"You hear me talking too you?"

"Alina I know you hear me!" He shouts. I jump and some of the Kool Aid comes out my cup.

He walks into the kitchen.

"So what? You ignoring me now?" He ask. Well duh.

"Yup," I say simply. I grab a napkin and clean up the little mess.

"Alina I hate when you give me the silent treatment," he says.

I continue to ignore him.

I go to grab a bag of hot cheetos but Chris grabs them before I can and throws them on top of the cabnet.

"You fucking jerk. Get them down for me," I demand. He ignores me. Oh. I see. He switched the roles.

"Fine. I will do it myself."

I grab a chair and push it next to the cabnet. I stand on my tippy toes and reach for them. Dammit my hand is just skimming them.

"Come on Chris. Get them down for me," I say jumping off the chair. He smiles but continues to ignore me.

"Chris stop being a fucking ass wipe and get them down for me," I whine.

No response.

"Come on Chris," I say poking his side.

"Baby. Please."

No answer.

Ugh. I know this will get his attention.

I push his hands to his sides and straddle him.

"Please?" I beg kissing his neck. He still doesn't say anything but I feel Junior standing up.

"Come on daddy," I moan in his ear and start to rock back and forth on him. His hands move to my waist and he grunts.

"Aight damn," he says.

He gets up and grabs the chips from the spot where he threw them.

"Here short ass," he tosses them at me.

I flick him off.

"I'm still mad at you," I tell him, opening the bag.

He comes up behind me and sucks on my neck.

I cough because some off the hot cheeto dust got in my throat.

"Stop Chris," I say as he slides his hands in my shorts. I gasp as I feel his fingers in me.

"Stop," I moan. I drop my chips as he goes deeper.

"Chris," I moan.

He starts to tease me by playing with my clit.

"Stop teas-" I am cut up by the door bell. Chris quickly removes his hands from my pants but smiles and licks his fingers. I blush.

I look at his noticable bulge.



"Go take care of that!" I whisper yell as the door bell rings again.

"Oh right," he says and runs off to the bathroom but not before slapping my ass.

I fix myself and walk over to the door. I open it and guess who has the nerve to show up. My mother.

Honey in multimedia:)

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