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It is 12pm right now, I can't sleep and this story line just came into my head

Okay so, you and Bakugou use to date until a relative from a far away country was dying and their last request was to see you (sad I know) you ended up being there for a year and when you got back you found out Bakugou and Uraraka were engaged and it broke you heart.

One more important thing to know. Izuku and Uraraka use to date until she left him for Bakugou

One year....

You were gone for one year....

And you find out he is engaged to your best friend!

He knew you left because your family member was dying!

Why would he do this?!?!

Better yet, they invited you to the wedding!

Breath (Y/N) breath

"I know it's gonna be hard but please stay strong" Tsu said to me. Momo, Oijiri everyone in class 1a (including Aizawa) except for Uraraka and Bakugou hugged you.

Poor Izuku...

"You may now kiss the bride"

Well guess it's official now

You sat down on the table drinking some wine as everyone else danced

"Abandon you too I guess"

You looked to the source of the voice



He lost his smile

Poor him

"Wanna go to the balcony?" He asked as he pointed at the balcony door, nobody else was there so it would be more quiet, you nodded and followed him.

"I'm sorry this happened"

Izuku started. You both were leaning on the balcony rail

"Your family member died and you go heart broke all in the same year, it's not fair to you or me"

He put his hand over yours gentle and rubbed both of your thumbs together

"Let's forget about them together, shall we?"

You smiled and nodded with tears in your eyes, he used his other hand to wipe the tears away

" they abandoned us, it's only fair that we forget about them"

He kissed your forehead

"We will get through this together" he whispered in your ear in a comforting way


Together is a good word...

You like together....

"Yeah together..."

He backed away from your ear to only lean close to your lips and slowly close his eyes shut to meet his lips with yours in a tender way

You kissed back, you wrapped your arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms to your waist

You did kiss Bakugou many times in the past but.... they just.... never felt right to your heart but Izuku's kiss felt..... right, like it was meant to be, like your lips were destined to meet his, you felt complete

What's the point in remembering the ones that abandoned you?

At the end of the day what is the point? They forgot about you and abandoned you so what's the point in your remembered them, just make them disappear from your life, they are not worth it

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