'Close friend'Tamaki x king/queen reader middle ages au

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Weird title I know

Let me explain

Basically it's not knew to us that a women having a affair (back in the day it was 'okay' for a man to have a mistress but not for the women to cheat) and that being gay wasn't allowed

Just ask Edward II

Don't search up his death

He died cause he was suspected for being gay, one of the reason was because it was rumoured that he was having a affair with one of his close friends

Kings were known to pick favourites and make certain people higher in the ranks

Despite what you may think, having a king or queen secretly be Gay and having a affair (or secret relationship if they are not married) happened quite often

So this story is about you, a royal, is (behind closed doors) in a relationship with Tamaki who is one of your close friends

He wasn't royalty (and was also male if your a guy) meaning is anyone was to find out about your relationship it would bring shame on your people

You are a prince/princess and the king is which ever pro hero you want

Thank my history teacher for this one shot btw she's so funny

You mainly stayed in your room all day, this was the only day off from being taught lesson after lesson about how to be a good royal some day

Honestly it was tiring but it had to be done

In your opinion, a lot of people here are dumb. I mean drilling something into someone's brain because of a headache (actually was a type of 'cure') that's gonna make them have a even worse headache!

But then again you can't blame them, you aren't really taught much things growing up, and life is short (more shorter then you all so be greatful!)

You were snapped out of your thoughts by hearing a light knocking on the door

You only knew 2 people that lightly knocked on the door

Your dad if he is in a good mood (hardly ever happens, would you all hate me if I made you the daughter of Henry VIII?) or that adorable little shy boy you know and love, you both were childhood friends so he was high in the ranks but not royalty, if anyone was to find out about your relationship you would be executed for sure.

"Who is it?" Unless is it's someone who just discovered how to properly kno- nope it's just Tamaki, thank god

"U-ummm it's T-Tamaki, Tamaki A-Amajiki...." you heard a quiet voice from beyond the door

Your thankful that you have good hearing or else you would never be able to understand that boy

"Come in" you answered loud enough for him to hear

You heard the door open to reveal Tamaki in what he usually wears and his hand holding his arm in a shy way

"Is there something you need Tamaki?" You asked curiously

He normal doesn't come for no reason since he would rather stay inside all day and not talk to anyone so there must be something needed

(Right now I am watching danganronpa Chiaki's execution and crying, NAGITO WHY!!?!?!?!)

He took a deep breath, looked to the side for a minute as if to think on what he wanted to say before locking the door behind him and throwing himself into you

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