Hybrid - Album

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Hybrid is an album that was released with little warning. All songs on this album was written and produced solely by Clio. The name Hyrbid is based on that the album has no theme and is just a compilation of songs of different genres and messages. It was released April 1st, 2011.

1. You and I
"this place you came to as if you were bewitched, it's dangerous"

This song is about always being by your side. It's about being there during their best and their worse and guiding them along the way.

2. New Rules
"i keep pushin' forwards but he keeps pullin' me backwords"

This is simply a three step guide of how not get back together with a toxic ex.

3. Piri
"if you can only become a blue fog"

A simple song about waiting for each other to meet up, even when you both get lost on your way to each other.

4.  Friends
"we're just friends"

When someone you have known for a long time wants to get together, you friendzone them. This song is about friendzoning someone who you could never see more than as a friend.

5. Monster
"i guess i'm human no more"

When you look into someone's eyes and all you see is their hatred towards you. It's about the moment when you realize someone you once loved sees nothing but hate towards you.

6. Devil In Me
"you said i should eat my feelings"

 Everyone has their own demons within. Some have harder ones than other but demons are all the same, hard to tame. Nonetheless this is about letting the demon out and being yourself without a mask.

7. Copycat
"you committed, i'm your crime"

Ever wanted to call out fake people for not being themselves and for being clones of other people? Well now you can with this song!


Again, none of these songs are mine and belong to their original owners (Dreamcatcher, Dua Lipa, Dodie Clark, Billie Eilish, Halsey, Anne-Marie)


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