Start of a new life

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Pain, agony, anger and hatred were the four things that Y/n felt. Everyday he was insulted, beaten and neglected by his family ever since Raven left and Tai got married to Summer, currently Y/n was laying on the floor of the attic weakened by the condition he was in. Then the door burst open revealing Taiyang

Taiyang: "You little shit! Did you break the vase?!"

Y/n: "N-No I didn't I-"

Y/n was kicked in the face by Tai

Taiyang: "Bullshit! Don't fucking lie to me you piece of shit! I expect you to clean up the mess or I swear I'll throw you out for you to sleep with the Grimm!"

Y/n weakly got upstairs and started to clean up the broken vase, he was then confronted by his so called "sisters"

Yang: "Hey mistake! Did you like the talk that dad gave you?"

Y/n: "leave me alone..."

Yang: "What?"

Y/n: "I said leave me alone-"

His head was then stomped into the broken shards, he screamed in agony

Yang: "Don't you dare talk to me like that! You're nothing but a waste of space that shouldn't have been born!"

She laughed as she left and Y/n continued to clean the broken vase. He finished and was about to rest until

Ruby: "Big bwother!"

Y/n smiled as he looked at her little sister

Y/n: "Hi Ruby..."

She had a medical kit and looked at his cheek which had cuts on them, he then took the kit and started to tend to his wounds

Y/n: "Ruby don't do this, you'll get in trouble"

Ruby: "No! I wove my big bwother!"

Y/n: "I love you too Ruby"

He smiled and hugged her


Y/n was in the basement as his sisters were getting gifts from Qrow, however Qrow was expecting him

Qrow: "hey where's Y/n?"

Taiyang sweat dropped

Taiyang: "ummm he's sleeping, he had a long day of training and decided to rest"

Qrow: "it's weird how every time I come here to visit he's always taking a nap"

Summer: "yeah it is pretty weird..."

Qrow: "Well...I'll get going now, Oz needs me for another assignment"

Qrow then left the house, Taiyang then just set Y/n's gift aside and Summer looked at Ruby and Yang

Summer: "Ready to show that little twerp what a real huntsman is like"

Yang: "Yeah!"

Ruby however was very uneasy, she can't possibly hurt her brother no matter what they say

Ruby: "Y-Yes mum"

Y/n was resting...well at least he tried to on the hard cold floor, he was trying to sleep until he heard the door get slammed open again

Yang: "Hey you poor excuse of a human being look what uncle Qrow got us"

Yang showed her weapons and smirked evilly while Ruby looked away in pity

Yang: "And we found the perfect thing to practice on!"

Y/n: "W-Wait please I-"

He was interrupted as he was shot in the shoulder by Yang, they were rubber bullets but it still hurt like hell for Y/n, he yelled out in pain

Training the soul (Neglected and Abused ninja reader X RWBY) SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now