A Taste of What's to Come

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Y/n carefully sharpened his katana with his wet stone, still quite sore from the training he has started receiving from Gōki. Even with that soreness he's gotten great results such as increased speed, power, and surprising control in the heat of his hellfire. It even gave him a better combative edge against the likes of Ryu and matched Ken's ability to rush-down his opponent.

Takeda and Ken on the other hand, were busy taking turns playing Mega Man II on a Nintendo Entertainment System or as most would call it: the NES.

Ken: "Jump! Jump damnit!"

Ken watched helplessly as Mega Man fell off the platform as Takeda chuckled at his skill at playing video games.

Takeda: "Dude, even Ryu's better at playing video games than you!"

Ken: "Man shut up! He's better at video games than...all of...us"

This caused a metaphorical "record scratch", making Y/n stop his sword's sharpening process.

Y/n: "...How does a country bumpkin like Ryu play video games better than any of us?"

Before they could get an answer, Ryu entered the room.

Ryu: "I've just received information that team RWBY are going to stake out the White Fang"

Takeda: "And by received you mean you eavesdropped on their conversation?"

Ryu: "Yeah"

Y/n sighed as he wiped down his sword.

Y/n: "As happy as I am to hear that you've used one of Grandmaster Hasashi's lessons, but-"

Ken: "You think Ruby and her team is over their heads"

Y/n: "...Damn you're good"

-scene change-

Y/n: "Ok, what's the run down?"

T/n gathered in a circle, ready to formulate a plan of their own.

Ryu: "Blake and our newest ally Sun Wukong are heading to a White Fang meeting, possibly to receive information of their next move"

Takeda: "Weiss and Ruby are heading to the communications center to get information elsewhere, specifically from the records of Schnee Dust Company"

Ken: "Yang and Neptune is going to the underbelly of Vale, and I think I might know who it is"

Y/n: "Okay, everyone's got an idea of what they're doing, make sure that team RWBY are safe and not getting over their heads. We'll divide and conquer then rendezvous to Ken's point, stay within the shadows guys and keep an eye out"


Ruby and Weiss walked down the paved road to the communications tower with haste, passing by the many people exiting the building. Their haste allows Takeda to trail them carefully without them noticing him, seeing the crowded group gather at the entrance Takeda took out his climbing spikes and started at the wall of the tower.

Ken's eyes examined the street as he drove himself and Ryu, already the more shadier parts of Vale began to unfold every mile they drove. Ken parked the vehicle in his usual spot right next to a night club, the two got out in a much more casual attire.

Ryu: "Why do sleeves exist? They're so uncomfortable"

Ken: "Ditto, but I'd rather have both of us hidden from prying eyes than be comfy"

Training the soul (Neglected and Abused ninja reader X RWBY) SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now