9 - Tourists Have More Fun

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Yesterday was a new day. Today is also a new day. And tomorrow will be a new day. Every day will be a new day, and I think that’s what makes life so beautiful. Sure what you do today might have an effect on what you do tomorrow, but it also might not. Clean slates are awesome.

I’m wearing an outfit that Andre picked out for me. Before I moved to the west coast from Kentucky, I wouldn’t have considered myself as having any sort of style, or being particularly pretty. Shopping at thrift shops, no matter what Macklemore says, doesn’t always give you the best clothing options.

Here, I have the resources (aka Josh) to change my look into whatever I want it to be. Now I wasn’t exactly sure of what that was until we walked into a boutique (yeah, a boutique) and I saw a dress and fell absolutely head over heels for it. I pointed to it and looked at Andre and said “That. That’s my style.”

He looked from me to the dress, back at me, back at the dress, and at me again and said “Okay.” He picked up the dress in my size, threw it over his arm, and then gathered up other clothes of similar styles that would fit this new look that we were going to invent for me. I don’t know what you would call it, exactly, or if it even has a name. But the dress was pink with black polka dots and black lace up top. It had pockets which made it less formal looking. And the waste was elastic so it clings to your body in all the right places.

I think what drew me to the dress was that it was different than anything I would have worn in Kentucky, but also not so different that I was afraid to put it on. Andre said that if I pair it with some combat boots, I’ll have the perfect outfit. The combination of soft and hard, delicate and clunky, is what makes up my new look (according to Andre and Josh).

Today I’m not wearing the dress because Andre thinks I should wear it on my first day of classes and I don’t want to be an outfit repeater. Instead I have on a peplum style top that’s a little fancy but not so fancy that I can’t wear it casually and a pair of jeans that fit me better than any jeans have ever fit me before. Plus the denim is so soft I can’t stop petting my legs. It’s a problem. For shoes, I’m wearing converse that match the top. I feel like a new person, but also like the person I was yesterday. The perfect combination.

Josh whistles when he enters the room. All the awkwardness about our kiss has been swept under the rug, ignored but not quite forgotten. “You look great. Got a hot date?”

I steal the envelope from his hand. “I’ll tell you after I read this!”

He laughs and we settle into the places on my bed that have become customary for the Reading of the Letter.

Since we’re onto week number two and I haven’t scared you away (hopefully), I think it’s time to give you a real hint as to who I am.

So here it is: I’m an actor.

Ha, you didn’t think I’d make this easy, did you? No, I won’t tell you what I’ve been in because you could just work some IMDB magic and discover my identity. But that narrows down the possible subjects a little for you, right? I hope so.

For today, do something you wouldn’t have done in a million years. Here’s a list to choose from:

A)     Sky diving

B)      Bunjee jumping

C)      Extreme go carts

D)     One of those bus tours of LA

I hope you pick D, but this one is up to you entirely Jolene. If you pick A – C though, please be careful.

“So, sky diving?” Josh asks with a smirk. I smack his arm.

“Never going to happen.”

He laughs. “I didn’t think so. Mystery Man said to pick D, so let’s do it! Those bus tours are so ridiculous but kind of worth it to be honest. I did one with my mom when we first moved out here.”

“Let’s go. Do you think I’m overdressed?”

“No, I think you’re dressed just right. But you have to wear a camera around your neck like an uber tourist because I’m pretty sure that’s the best way to enjoy these tours.”

I laugh at him, but I’m sure he’s right. Why go on a touristy tour of Los Angeles if you’re not going to go full on tourist?

When Josh is dressed and ready to go, we take my car and drive to Hollywood Boulevard where we find parking and then jump on a tour bus. We choose one that does pretty much all of the major spots in Los Angeles and Hollywood. And we avoid any that say they go to stars’ houses, because that’s just weird. (Plus, if I want to go to a stars’ house I can just ask Josh and he might know them).

The Hollywood Boulevard stops are kind of lame because I’ve seen all of those things already, but once we get to Beverly Hills I’m intrigued by Rodeo Drive and City Hall.

From there we go to the major Hollywood/LA spots like Miracle Mile, the LA County Museum of Art, Melrose Ave, CBS, Paramount, and my favorite: Lunch at the farmer’s market. I make notes in my head of places I want to come back to and spend more time visiting, like the museums on Miracle Mile. And I take tons of pictures, most of which will probably come out as blurs, but they’ll still tell a story and that’s what I love the most about photography.

In West Hollywood, we drive down the sunset strip which mostly just reminds me of Rock of Ages and then I start thinking about Tom Cruise and I might start drooling a little bit. I really love the Downtown LA sights because we get to see a bunch of different cultures that come together here. Kentucky has one culture and that’s like, redneck. I like that California is more of a mixture of different people.

The tour lets us off at the Chinese theatre and Josh and I grab dinner before going home. As I fall asleep, I wonder what cool things tomorrow will bring me to. 

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