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Stella's POV

I woke up to my annoying alarm blaring in my ear. I sat up and stretched, i got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth and do all that morning stuff. After I was done i got dressed into some workout clothes and decided to take a morning jog. As I walked down my drive way, I put my hair in a high ponytail and started speed walking. I looked at my phone but got interrupted by a scream in front of me. I looked up to see a short girl with brown hair who looked about 19 or 20, fall of her pennyboard. I ran over to help her up.

Stella=S Person=p

S: Damn are you ok
P: yeah im fine just shook
Stella reaches her hand to help her up
P: thanks im tara btw
S: im stella nice to meet you
tara begins to dust herself off
S: well it was nice meeting you but i should get going
T: (tara): Yeah same! Could i get your number so we can maybe hang out in the future?
Tara hands stella her phone
S: yeah totally (inserts number in phone) here you go
T: Cool ill message you later for sure
S: Alright sounds good, bye
(Stella jogs away)



When I went back inside the house and i noticed mike and all the boys looking out the window (jake, mike, colby, and kevin)
T: ugh stalkers much
C: who the hell was thattt??
M: she was really pretty not gonna lie...
T: wow you guys couldnt go help me out but y'all can check her out
(Tara then looks at jake, who was smiling, with a death stare)
J: Hey i wasnt checking her out, colby and mike were
(Jake walks away with his hands up)
M: No but honestly who was that?
C: yeah spill the tea ( he says chuckling)
T: Dang thirsty much? Her name is Stella and i think Im going to invite her to the party... Since she saved my lifeee (she yelled as she walked into the kitchen)

HEY my baby aliens, if you're reading this and you want a ch. 2 then comment and rate please!
Love you all💙👽

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