Chapter 8

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*Car ride* Stellas POV
We were all jamming out and laughing. I really liked hanging out with everyone especially jake, i know he has a girlfriend so now i can actually be close with a guy and not have to worry about feelings. Talking about feeling, mike has been really quite. I seen his face when colby gave me the flowers. Was he jealous? I dont like colby I like mike...Right?
Reggies POV...
I seen stella biting her lip and looking confused. She usually did that when she was confused or stressed. I was sitting behind her so i could easily whisper to her.
"Hey are you ok?" I ask her whispering.
It looked like i had snapped her back to reality.
"Yeah im fine" She said looking in the mirror and smiling.
I could tell something was stressing her out. But i dont know what.
*time skip to the theme park*
Stellas POV...
"We're here guys" I said getting out of my car and smiling.
"I can't feel my legs" jake said stretching and laughing.
"Dont be a baby" I said nudging him playfully and smiling.
We all go wait in line and pay for our tickets.
"Who's exciteddd guysss" Mike said putting his arm over my shoulder and smiling.
"Im stoked" reggie said looking around.
"Where to first?" Colby said looking at mike then smiling at me.
There's something about his smile that just draws me in an- No I like mike.
"Oo can we go to that one over there?" Jake said pointing and jumping up and down like a little kid.
"Anything for my new friend" i said jumping on his back.
"Up up and awayyy" he said holding me and walking to the ride.
We all wait in the line and talk.
"So whos going with who? Its a two person seater and there's five of us." Mike said looking at me.
I noticed he looked at my lips then back at me once he noticed that i noticed.
"Ill ride by myself" Reggie said looking concerned.
"Ok Colby do you mind going by yourself for this one and ill go with you on the next one? I want to go with reggie" i said puppy eyeing colby.
"Ughh fine you're lucky i lo- like you" he said embarrassed and turning red.
"Awww thanks i love you too colbs" i said hugging him. " I love all of you" i said trying to group hug.
We all group hugged and by the time we were done, it was our turn. Reggie rode with me in the front and then it was colby behind us and then mike and jake behind colby.
We all got on the ride and buckled up.
"If I die, I leave my Minecraft account to you! Take care of steve." Reggie said looking nervous and gripping his seat.
"We'll be fine! I promise." I said strapping in and smiling at him.
"Wooo" i hear mike and jake yelling.
Soon after that the ride shoots off and reggie grips my hand.
"SSSTELLLAAA" reggie screams and tightly grips my hand.
I smile and hold his hand.
I can hear colby yelling OH MY GOD behind me. The ride ends and we all try and catch our breath. We all get off and walk out the ride.
"Jesus" reggie says hugging me and pretending to throw up.
"That was epiccc" jake says with a wide smile on his face.
"I kind of feel sick" mike says smiling and holding his stomach
"Come on guys! On to the next" i say grabbing Mike's and reggies hands and running.
Mikes POV...
When she grabbed my hand it sent butterflies to my stomach. I genuinely love this girl. Shes perfect. I feel like everything is going slow-mo while im looking at her. But i need to be honest with her if I want this to work and for her not to hate me. But would this news break or make us?
"I call dibs on riding with stella next." I say holding her waist amd hugging her.
"Yup save the best for last" Jake says high-fiving stella.
I trust jake with her. I hope they become bestfriends instead of her and colby. I don't trust him. He wants to take her from me and i know it.
"This ones called goliath and it looks terrifying" colby said looking up at the ride
"Ill go by myself. This ride doesnt look that scary and it seems fun" i say to stella and the gang trying to make colby look like a chicken.
" Aww you're so tough. Thanks michael" stella said kissing my cheek then walking into the ride line with jake.
Jakes POV...
"You like him don't you" i said whispering and linking arms with her
"I actually really do" She said smiling then looking down.
"Whats that face for?" I said looking at her "To be honest you can tell me anything because i guarantee that me and you will be best friends" I say nudging her and smiling.
"I think im in love with him but then colby comes around and flusters my mind" She said looking guilty.
"Hey you obviously love mike more and its just colby looks that attract you to him not to be rude but its true"  I say comforting her as we continue to walk in the ride line.
I know the type of guy that colby is. Hes a player and stellas an angel. She deserves mike.
"Go after the one you love" I said as we finally reached the ride.
She smiled at me and nodded. I set her off in the right path.
"Guys what if i throw up?" Mike said messing around.
"Ew" stella said hiding behind me and smiling. "Oh look guys we're next" she said smiling and jumping.
We all got on the ride and i seen thw way colby looked at her. This isnt going to end well.
*time skip to them leaving*
Mikes POV...
I had an amazing date with her. She was hugging me the whole time here. I was happy.
"Hey do you want to spend the night at my house?" I said putting my arm around stella.
" you mean our house?" Jake said putting his arm around my shoulder.
"Id love to" she said as someone bumped in to her.
"Jeez im so sorry" said the guy "Wait, stella?" He said smiling.
"Omg kian its you" she said hugging this guy.
She looked at him with such love. Who was this guy?
"How are you stel?" He said stepping back and looking her up and down.
Im about to lose it.
Stellas POV...
"Im doing good! How about you?" I said with such excitement.
I look over and see the guys really confused.
"Oh guys! This is kian, me and him went to the same high school. Kian this is colby, jake, mike, and reggie." They all shook hands and mike kind of looked mad. Oh no.
Some guys started yelling for kian.
"Oh wait here" kian says smiling and running off.
He came back with JC!! But he was covering jc's eyes.
"Jc, when I open your eyes dont tackle this person ok?" Kian said serious but smiling.
I was so excited. I haven't seen these guys since high school but when we were in high school i had the biggest thing for kian and he felt the same way but I moved.
Kian let go of jc's eyes and jc had the biggest smile ever. He even started to tear up.
"OH MY GOD STELLA? IS THAT REALLY YOU?" he said hugging me so tight
"The one and only" i said hugging him back
"The trio is back guys" kian said putting his hands behind his head.
"Yeah maybe you and stella can finish things" jc said whispering to kian but he said it kind of loud.
Colbys POV...
who the hell are these guys and why is the freaky tall one with noodle hair eyeing my girl? Well shes not my girl yet but still!
"Hey not to ruin the moment but we should get going" i said putting my arm around her.
"Oh yeah sorry guys." She said looking at us. "Um here give me your guys number really quick" she said handing her phone to the short one and then the tall one
They said goodbye and the walked away.
"Dude someone has a crush on you" reggie said looking back at kian
*Time skip to the house*
Mikes POV...
We all get out of the car and go in the house and as we walk in stella lays her head on my shoulder.
"Im so tired" she said with a yawn.
She was so freaking cute.
"Come on lets go" i said picking her up bridal style.
We said good night to the guys and went to my room
"Here you can sleep on the bed and ill sleep on the floor" i said handing her one of my shirts and a pair of shorts
"No sleep with me pleaseee" she said with puppy dog eyes.
"Ok anything for you but before we go to sleep i have a question" i said nervously
"Whats up mikey?" She said sitting up
"Will you be my girlfriend?" I said hoping she would say yes
"Omg mike of courseee" she said jumping on top of me.
We hugged for a while then she fell asleep. I stayed up thinking.
Now i definitely messed up, what about my other situation! I didnt think this through, i just wanted her to be mine. Great.


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