Chapter 14

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Stellas POV...
I finally woke up and stretched. I grabbed my phone to check the time and I seen so many messages and missed calls from everyone. I suddenly then got a call from Jake.
Conversation. Jake. Stella


"Hey you need to come to the hospital right away!"

"What happened?? Are you ok?"

"Its mike"

As soon as I heard that I went into shock. I dropped my phone and ran to my car. I ran so many red lights and sped all the way to the hospital. I finally got there and ran inside. I seen jake and everyone pacing back and forth.

"Jake what the hell is going on?" I said running up to him.

"We all tried to get ahold but you didn't answer." He said looking so nervous.

"I think you should sit down for this" reggie said guiding me to the seats.

"Mike was driving and got into a var accident. He hit his head and nobody found him until 2 hours later. He slipped into a coma but hes lucky he didnt die. He has a very slim chance of surviving and we have to make the choice of pulling the plug or waiting it out." Colby said squating down in front of me.

"WELL WE CAN'T LOSE HOPE" I yelled while crying. "I know he can make it, hes a fighter. Hes my fighter" i said crying into reggies shoulder.

"If thats what you want then we'll wait it out." Jake said rubbing my back.

"I need to see him please" I said looking at jake who was also now crying.

"Last door on the right" He said looking down the hallway.

I walked to the door and stood infront of it. I hesitated to open the door but then I walked in with my eyes closed. I closed the door behind me and opened my eyes. I seen him lying there with so many tubed and wires connected to him. I broke down and started crying. I didn't want to loose him.

I stayed sitting there thinking for 30 minutes then walked back over to jake and the gang.

"I want to see the car." I said putting my hands in my pockets.

"I dont thin-"

"Jake show me the damn car." I said sternly.

He then gave me the address of the place where the car was at. I drove there and had the guy show me where the car was. I finally seen it. The car was totaled. I couldnt even imagine the pain he went through. I walked up to the car and seen a folded paper in the little slot. I grabbed it and opened it.

"Dear Stella,

I would of said this to you all outloud but I didn't want to mess up or forget anything so I wrote it down. I just finished dropping you off home and I realized that I don't want to lose you again. You mean the world to me actually you are my world. You're the love of my life and im sorry it took me so long to realize it but Im here now hoping that whenever you read this you'll feel the same way. I don't and can't imagine my future without you. All I think about is all the fun and cute memories we've had. Remember that time when I took you to the beach and we walked the peir? You were so sad because you said you hadn't won a game at the pier but then I won you that giant penguin? Your smile and happiness was better than anything. What im trying to say is I want to continue making memories with you. I want to be the one you wake up to every morning to. I want to grow old with you and start a family. I want you to be mine.
So Will you marry me stel?
                                           Yours truly,

I finished reading the note with tears in my eyes. I ran back to my car with the note in my hand. I sped to the hospital and ran to jake.

"I have to see him again." I said smiling.

"You know-" 

Just the an alarm went off
Code blue room 363! All units report to 363.

I shot a look at jake and ran to the room but got stopped.

"Miss! You can go in there" a nurse said.

But all I could focus on was the sound of the machine flat lining. There wad doctors everywhere trying to revive mike.

Ten minutes later all the doctors can out.

"Hello guys. I have some news that I think you should sit down for." The doctor said as he frowned holding his cliboard.

My heart sank. I can't loose mike not today and not ever.

"Michael is---"

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