Black eyed childrenMy dog Lucy was keep on growling at my door and barking,she never did this before what's up with the strange behavior?
She bit me and dragged my to the door yelling her little doggie heart out.I then heard a knock and went downstairs with Lucy.
There they were a boy and a girl holding hands,they were definitely siblings.The boy was 8 years old,the girl looked 5.My dog growled and whined covering her eyes and I told her to be quiet.The siblings looked way back in the 80's which was wired,they had old fashioned cloths and the girl was blonde and in a yellow rain suit looking down and the good of the suit covered her eyes.
The boy had nothing beside a small old fashioned coat on and him too was looking down.
"It's cold..."whined the sister still looking down she sounded so sad and depressed while she talked
"Yea,reminds me Can we stay inside?"the brother said as he too talked in a sad depressed voice
At that point my dog freaked out,I was kind of terrified I was thinking how to respond.
Suddenly my heart was racing fast as I saw them look up and their eyes were completely black.I screamed and ran back inside with my dog she whined and howled.I still heard knocking after a few minutes no more knocking occurred.
Me and my dog are still in bed terrified after that experience we witnessed.
Black eyes children are really children who got left behind in a school and their parents didn't pick them up.So the teachers killed them some students made it but the ones that didn't are the black eyed children,this took place long ago and it's scary.They are rumored to be demons but no one really knows......
Also real life people actually had experiences with these children and it is a mystery what happens after the black eyed children captured you,most people with experiences got away who knows what happened to the ones that didn't their not here to tel is what happened.But some people believe black eyed children will kill you and rip out your eyes,that's what most people believe but no one knows for SURE...
Creepy pastas and spoooky stories
ParanormalFrom Smile jpj to slenderman this book retells the spookiest of stories and some content includes my stories!There is no cursing but it might contain violence!Make sure to read and like these spooky stories!