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Hey guys :D i'm not trying to be mean but i don't want any of this fanfiction copied or claimed as someone elses other than mine. I worked hard for this fanfic and i hope everyone can respect that . If you see someone copying this fanfic PLEASE tell me! coz i'd do the same thing for you :) xxx tnx :D

loveliesandonedirection xxxsk8ergirlxxx2012

All Rights Reserved.

Enjoy.! :)

Picture Alice Grande ----------->


Alice's P.O.V.

"Alice Grande, you get downstairs right now you f*cking dirt bag of daughter!!" screamed my mother

I was scared of both of my parents, my whole life i live in fear of them.

"I-i'm coming" i stuttered, my throat was dry.

I stepped slowly down the creaky stairs and into the kitchen. My mom and dad were both waiting for me with belts and wooden spoons in there hands.

I winced.

"Hello Alice, you look lovely in that dress" my mother said gently

"Thank you mother dear" i replied. My knees and hands started trembling from fear of what was coming next

"You know Alice, one of the people that we sell medicine to, got caught by the cops today. Do you know what would happen if anybody found out it was us that gave that poor man medicine?" my father taunted.

I was only 7 then. I shook my head slightly.

"No?" he asked, "Well why don't we demostrate it on you sweetheart?"

I nodded, knowing what was coming.

My father whipped me with his belt and my mother grabbed my head and banged it on the table. They beat me till i was bleeding, but i didn't cry out once, knowing it'd make it worse if i did. When they were done, my mother picked me up from the floor and placed me gently on a chair

"See darling, now would you like to see mommy and daddy like that?" she asked in sichingly sweet way.

I wanted to cry and screamed 'yes' but i was smarter than that.

"No mommy, that'd be terrible" was all i said.

11 years have, passed.

I feel like i've been trapped. Each year that passes it get worse.

One day, it happened again this time i couldn't stand the pain, it was just too much.

Running to my bedroom, i slammed the door shut and pulled my suitcase from under my bed.

I had promised myself, if it happend again, i would run away from this house and never come back, i'm sick and tired of it, i'm tired of crying, i'm tired of here and being hurt, i'd had enough so i'll do whatever's laft for me to do.

I run away.

I packed my things and took the money i've stolen from my mother and father and ran to the city bus, got a ticket and flew to England. It was across sea's and far away from California.

I Alice Grande moved in to Hazel Cruz's apartment and started a new life with new challenges and beginnings. Where i met Hazel and became best friends.


So what do you guys think of the story? Please vote, comment and fan :D

First person who comments gets a dedication xxx

Love ya all!

-QueenSwagger (@iLuv1Dswag)

-SwaggieGirl (@1DLover_07)

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