chapter 2

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"Spector take Tori Renno take cheiserdy and Frizzyr "
They come out of the shadows and teleport us back to our rooms
"Do you want me to find that ghost thing of yours"
"Yes please" I reply and go into my room and put some makeup on
"Tori" ash says running up to me"I found you I found you"
"I've been in my room for a long time were Spector"
"He is ummmm" ash says
Spector walks in saying
"I can't find that stupid thing of yours"
"Wait Tori you lost something" ash replied
I just put my hand to my head
"Spector was looking for you"
Ash turns to see Spector annoyed
"Oops hi Specto.."
"Tori you need to keep your ghost under control" Spector says cutting in "well then if you want me to keep him under control then let me take him with me to the balcony"
"No you could be seen" Spector says instantly
"Please please you could come to"
"Fine but I will walk behind you"
"Yay" I say and hug Spector before running out saying ash come on
We got to the balcony and we could see every group Prince's and Princesses

Monsters Prince's and Princesses
Dragons(Frizzyr and cheiserdy)they weren't their thought
Ghosts ( prince ash ) right next to me
Witches(prince blaze )
Fairies ( princess Freyan)
Werewolf ( Prince Evan )
Ninjas ( Spector and Renno ) weren't in the crowd
Grey wings ( prince phantom)
Shape-shifters ( me= princess Tori)

Human's princess and Prince's
Angles ( prince snow)
Humans ( prince hunter)
Elf's ( prince Eron Iarna)
Vampires ( prince Victor)
Ninjas ( Malie and Harry )

"Spector is it ok if they start a fight a can go down their and stop it"
" I think so but I don't know if it is "
The second he says that I see the tension in the air then as I was about to jump down the maids came and opened the doors and they went in
Prince snow look at me directly and told his ninja something then went in
" So your this princess snow was talking about let's end you life hear shall we" Malie says drawing his sword
"Duck Tori " ash says
The next thing I heard was metal on metal ash had turned to his demon form their two swords collided Malie looked surprised
"I thought you had a ninja not a demon ghost"
I smile "I have both"
Malie got really scared then Spector goes behind him and pulls a dagger to his neck
"Teleport or move you will die"
Malie droped his weapon I grab it and say " pathetic one of the rules of I remember is never drop your weapon or give up unless your master tells you to also ill give this to your master personally" as I said that I drop my hand Spector takes the dagger of his neck and Malie teleports our of their
"Good reaction ash" I say as I put malie's sword away
" Spector what is the time "
"2:55 we can make it if we teleport"
"Fine ash hand" ash grabs my hand then we teleport

Word count 518

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