-Part 1-

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After 12am is dangerous

Tossing and turning in my bed, I can't seem to fall asleep

Oh no here I go again

Never ending train of thoughts and questions, as if my brain is always active around this time

Overthinking non-stop that tires me out but can't fall asleep

Why am I not pretty?
Am I getting fat?
Always smile
Don't touch your phone, sleep
Is he sleeping?
Does he think of me?
What are we?
There's a sale tomorrow, should I go?
When will you ask me out?
Finals are coming.
I have to study. No time for dating.
No messages.
I'm unpopular.
Should I go out.
Im hungry
I have to sleep
Should I listen to music?
What will happen to me?


I put down my phone. Cover myself with a blanket. Close my eyes.

Still can't sleep.

Should I drink milk? Sleeping pills? ASMR?

Ugh! I have exam tomorrow and it's past 12 already.

What to do?

I opened my phone, browse a bit and put it down for the nth time.

I was about to sleep when

FROM: Guy Next Door

Are you up?
Come out.

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