The Crush (Not Song)

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"Issa." Larri complained. Issa was busy again, who knew what with, and Larri was bored. He could film, yes, but there was nothing to do, he could go out and do something, but for some reason he decided to just bug Issa, poking his shoulder and sighing when he didn't give him attention. "Issa." Larri said again, putting his head against Issa's arm. "Bully." He whispered, just watching what Issa was doing while Issa moved his arm, wrapping it around Larri, finally looking over at him.

"Larri, come on, give minutes and I'll go get Starbucks with you." Issa promised, going back to editing his newest video. If Larri was taking a break and he felt better then he was coming back, that's just how it worked, neither of them took a break at the same time for too long. (A/N: haha, nice joke I made there. *starts crying in I Wish*)

Larri sighed and laid back on Issa's bed, grabbing a book off the bed and reading the first paragraph before realizing that, what he picked up was not a book and instead a journal that should not have been read, because now Larri was here, having this stupid crush on Issa and knowing that this stupid crush wasn't one sided. Great.

Stupid crushes messing everything up, only if everything was Larri's mind, because it'd been 6 minutes and Larri hadn't even noticed Issa lay down next to him until his phone buzzed with an upload notification. Stupid two sided crush, keeping this from being normal. The tension between them wasn't normal, but they both felt it, and then Issa realized why it was there. FUCK. There was no denying it or taking it back, the damage was already done. Stupid one sided crush.

Larri finally realized that Issa was there when he felt the bed move and Issa went to get up, but Larri grabbed his hand and pulled him back. "Don't go." He whispered. So, Issa laid back down next to Larri, and they both shared a thought in that moment: Stupid two sided crushes.

Two sides crushed were the worst thing ever, because you liked this person, and you knew that person liked you back, but you couldn't do anything about it, because they were just a crush and you weren't even sure how you would ask them out, because you knew that they knew you liked them and they knew you knew they liked you back, and two sides crushes SUCKED.

And that's exactly what happened, neither of them did anything, because they knew, and there was no changing that knowing. Finally Larri moved, barely, but he did, he pushed himself into Issa's side, letting himself be overwhelmed and scared, and just listened to Issa reminding him to breathe, because that's how it was supposed to work.

"Larri, breathe." Issa said, gently rubbing Larri's back. Larri had been doing as he said, then he stopped breathing for a minute, and if Larri stopped breathing for any time longer than normal the tears started, and once the tears fell Issa's heart broke again.

Stupid two sided crushes messing everything up.

Larri wasn't even sure why he was so overwhelmed. Because they were best friends? Because he didn't deserve Issa? Because he just broke up with Jacob? What was it? He didn't like Jacob anymore, every time he thought about him he was just... empty.

When Issa finally felt Larri's breathing slow down to a steady constant pace he looked down before grabbing a blanket from his closet and putting it over Larri. He needed sleep, plus it would give Issa time to go out and get Starbucks to bring back, but that was just an excuse to go think over everything.


Larri woke up about half an hour later with Issa next to him again, just this time the smell of coffee in the room. Issa was asleep again, but he'd obviously gone out to Starbucks because there was a cup on the desk with Larri's name on it as well as a small "I'm sorry." With a frowny face. Only Issa would add a frowny face.

"I'm not sorry." Larri thought to himself and laid back down next to Issa, sighing. Issa was so peaceful as he slept, it seemed to be the only time he was completely calm and not faking it. This could work.

And once again it was just Larri and Issa against the world.

(A/N: 744 words. Not bad. I said filler chapter. This was just to lighten the mood and shift it towards something new. Hope you enjoyed.)

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