Chrismas part 2

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I stand there mute and unable to respond. "Carol are you ok?" my mom says walking toward me. "My GOD"my mom says when she sees Sean. "My dearest love."Sean says and steps in and kisses my mom. "Where are the twins?" he ask. "Daddy!!!" I hear May yell and I hear her running. He pulls May into his arms and spins her around. She's always been a daddy's girl like me,but worse. "Danny come give daddy a hug" Sean says. "Carol go to the room."I hear my dad say. I just shut the door and slide onto to floor. "Leave"my mom says. "Why wify? Our kids are here. Carol,Danny,and May Airson."Sean says. " Carol is not your child"my dad says. "I've raised her whole life" Sean says. I feel sick. I'm to slow to make it to the trash can. I hold it down and take deep breaths. "Leave now." my mom says. Sean pulls her into his arms and kisses her hard. "You don't want me to leave do you baby?" Sean ask. "I do Sean. I really do."she says. He give her a smile and say "kids go upstairs." My son starts to kick up a storm. Luke watches me closely. I start to crawl to the kitchen. "Carol sit your ass down or you'll hate what's gona happen" Sean says. I get into a sitting postion. "Now Elizabeth I want you to get this ass out of the room" Sean says. "Matt honey please." my mom says. "Honey! Oh his your honey!" Sean says. "Sean calm down. What do you want do you want to talk?" my mum says. "Talk yeah but not with your 'honey' in the room." Sean says. My mum pushes my dad back and says "Baby please I can handel this." My dad takes her hand and say"I lost you once I'm losing you again. I'm staying."he places a soft kiss on her lips and Sean laughs and pulls something from the back of his pants. "Gun"I say and my dad pushes my mum behind him. "Shoot me not her." he says. "Happy to see you agree with me." Sean says and turns towards me. He cocks the gun and his finger on the finger on the trigger. Just as he pulls it he's tackeled by Luke.The bullet goes in the wall above my head.

(Elizabeth POV)

Matt and I rush over to Carol. Matt catches her head and lays it down gently."Matt go in my room and go in the top draw on the nightstand and get the cuffs."Luke says. Matt runs and goes and get them I call the police and tell them that Sean is here and that he has shot at us. Luke has him knocked out and cuffed. He goes over to Carol and puts her head in his lap. He strocks her hair and rubs her stomach. When she wakes up she smiles up at him. "What happened?" Carol ask. Luke talks to her while Matt holds me close. I kiss his chest and hold on to him tighter. The police take our statements and takes Sean in. I go to the kids rooms and check on them. " Mommy is Daddy coming back?" May ask. " Not for a long time" I say. "Why? " May ask. "He did some bad things so he has to pay for them " I say holding my little girl close "where is he going?" May ask. "To the big house" I say. "Can I go with him?" May ask. "No baby but you can vist him."I say. She nodds and hold backs her tears. She's been a daddy's girl from birth. "You can cry babygirl."I tell May. I hear her let out a soft sob and stay and hold her. When she's done I go to Dan's room. "Hey honeybun." I say. "Is he gone?" Danny ask. "Yes and will be for a long time." I say. "He's going to jail" Danny says. " Yes and sit next to him. I place my hand on his back and he get up. "Why didn't you try to leave when we were little?" Danny ask. "I tried I really did but every time he would find me and hurt me. He theaten to hurt Carol,even through he said he would never hurt his own kids." I say. "Why now?" Danny ask. "He tried to hurt you and May. He went off the edge. So I knew it was past time to ecsape." I say getting up. "Is Matt your husband or my dad?" Danny ask."Matt and I,we've been married since we were 17."I say. "So he's my dad now?" Danny ask. " Yes. I wanted him to be your dad when I was pregnant with you and May."I say. "I knew something was off with you and dad. When you two fought,when we were at family events. The way he looked at you when while you were cooking. He never looked at you like Matt does. Dad always had this evil look under the love he has for you." Danny says. "I know when you knew something was off because you never got attached to him like the girls." I say to him. He walks into my arms and say "We're safe now mommy. Really safe." I kiss is forehead and rock him."I love you mommy." Dan says. "I love you more poptart." I say and kiss his head. No matter who my children father are I'll always love them.


(Luke POV)

Carol kisses me and says "Lets go have dinner." I smile and get up. We go back to the dinner tabel and join the rest of the family. May and Danny come downstairs while Matt and Elizabeth talk in their room. After a few minutes they come back. "Nice going son. I'm glad to see you still know your training" my dad says. "Where would I be without it?" I say to him. I hear a sob and look to my left and see May with a tear in her eye. I look over at Carol and she's crying hard. " Do you want to go lay down baby?"I ask her. " No no. I'm fine just...I'm fine" Carol says. Her grandpa rubs her back. Matt picks at his food and Beth looks at the twins. I look at my parents and back at Carol. "Mom?" I say. She just keeps looinking at her plate. "Mom" I say a bit louder. " What dear?" she says shaking her head. "Have you hear from knucklehead?" I ask her. "He texted me and said he's at his place here and had to finish up somethings before coming over." she says. I nod and look over at May. "Are you ok Mayflower?" I ask her. "Yeah I just want to say bye to my dad " May says. "It's ok we'll see him one day" I say. " but mom said.." May start but I cut her off. "I'll take you to see him in a few weeks if you want." I say. "Really?" May ask. "Yeah."I say. Elizabeth sighs and says"I guess there really want be a good time to say this but so I might as well tell y'all now." Elizabeth stands up and says "I'm pregnant."
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