Chapter Three

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It has been a couple days sense I left. I have only stopped to drink water and eat other then that I have run in my wolf form non stop. Alice has been begging for a break. I look around and fall down by a lake I had found. I lay my head on my paws and realized how lonely it felt to be a rouge.

"Rouge what are you doing on our territory?" a man asks. I look up and sense power from this man. Not alpha about beta most likely. I get up slowly, but fall right back down. I see the man run up to me and others come though the trees.

"Get her to the pack doctor now!" the beta yells. I really don't know what happened after that because I let the darkness drag me into its tight grip.


"Is she going to be okay?" asked a girl voice to my right.

"She should be my dear Luna. Her baby also," another voice to my left says. I bolt up right.

"Sh...don't move to fast little one. You are still very weak," the first voice says. "I am Patricia Rossi. Luna of the never sky pack." I stare at Patricia the let tears fall down my face."I-I'm A-Al-Allison Pierce," I say between sobs. "I-I'm a rouge."

"Oh no dear. You are part of the Never Sky pack. I will not have a girl, much less a pregnant one, out on her own," Patricia says and pulls me into a hug.

"I wont have it either," says a man, I think the alpha, "I am Eddie. Alpha of the Never Sky pack. My son will be here soon to show you to your room." I nod my head and look at my stomach.

'Alice is this why you have been so tired? because you were giving strength to the pup?' I ask tears pooling in my eyes again.

 'Yes...I was going to tell you, but we needed to get away to protect the pup' Alice says then cuts off the link. My hands lay on top of my stomach and feel someone rubbing my arm.

"Alpha. Luna." a girl says and shows her neck in respet. "I'm here to take the new pack member to her room."

"Okay, but Sibuna where is my son?" Patricia asks. I look at the girl...Sibuna.

"There was a fight between a mated male and un-mated male when the un-mated one tried to rape the mated one's mate while she was in heat," Sibuna answers. Eddie sighs and walks out the room.

"Allison meet Sibuna. She is the thirds daughter," Patrica says. Sibuna holds out her hand for me to shake. I take it and give a ferm shake.




 After I read the letter from Allison a week ago I have not stopped looking for her. I told my father to ask around again and increes the search party, but there has been no sign of Allison. Udolf still crys over her leaving. I know everyone is wondering what Allison wrote down to make him feel so bad. Some pack members are happy she left and anytime Udolf's around they quickly learned not to call her a pack killer. I sigh and rub my forhead. Even though Allison was still missing I still had to go to school and not let anyone know I was looking for her. I have been keeping an eye on the woman that had last seen Allison. My wolf has been more quiet then normal.

"Thomas come on practice is about to start," a guy from the football team yell at me and throws a towle at my head. I nod not really caring. Lately I have been skiping football practice so I had more time to try and find Allison.

"Hey Tommy," Sahara say leaning aginst my locker and bits her bottom lip a little.

"Go away slut. I mean Sahara," I say and take a deep breath. Before I found Allison Sahara and I would skip school and have some fun. After Allison I have been ignoring all my old flings and any other girl that throw themselves at me. My wolf and I just wanted our mate back at our side. Plus Allison might have not known that much of what she was doing that night, but what everyone said was true, making love with your mate was way better then doing it with anyone else. All the sparks that set a fire and knowing that your mate can feel them just as much as you could. I sigh and shake my head pulling myself out of my thoughts.

"But baby we haven't had sex in weeks. We have never went this long with out being one," Sahara said moving closer to me. I had to try and remember why I ever had sex with a human, but I could not remember for the life of me.

"And we will not ever again. I'm done with all that shit, so slut move on and never talk to me again or i will kill you," I snap and open my locker to throw my textbooks in. Then I slam it close and walk away from a shocked Sahara.

When I got back to the pack house I go straight to my fathers office that would be mine someday. I walk in and sit accross from my father. I watch as he talks into the phone about something. Once he hung up he looks over at me and sighs.

"Still no sign?" I ask like I everyday sense she left.

"No sign. Also I can not look for her any longer. Allison is a rouge now or she is dead. Last son, you will be going to the alpha academy instead of me training you," my dad says and looks at paper work on his desk.


"I can not keep looking for someone that does not wish to be fond and I can not train you as Alpha becasue I need you to become Alpha sooner then expected and the best way for that is if you go to that school, so that when you come back home you can take your birth right," my father says in an anoyed tone. "Now son go pack and get ready to leave. You will be leaving in two days."

I growl, but do as I am told. I go to my room and look around. I grab a bag and pack a few cloths. By midnight I was showered, packed, tired, and empty. Every night sense Allison left I would fill like half of myself was missing. I get up and go to her old room making sure not to make a single sound. Once there I open the door and see Udolf sleeping on the floor. He opened his eyes and looks to me. After he relized who it was he laied his head back down going to sleep. I nod and go to Allison's bed. We did this every night. I lay on her bed and take a deep breath. The more days that passed the less her sent was and the more mine.

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