Chapter Four - 5 years later

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I smile as I watch my alpha and luna sit in the living room playing with Jacob.

"Moma! Auntie Sibuna!" Jacob yells and hops up off the couch runing to me. I bend down and open my arms wide so he could give me a hug. "I missed you moma."

"I missed you to baby," I say and pick him up, putting him on my hip. "Was my son a good boy today?" I ask knowing the answer.

"Of course. Jacob is a sweet angel," Patricia says smiling and looks at Jacob then me.

"Allison may I talk to you alone in my office?" Eddie asks looking a little upset.

"Yes of course Alpha," I say and hand Jacob over to Sibuna.

"you wanna make cookies for the pack?" Sibuna asks taking him in her arms and walk to the kitchen. I smile a little and follow Eddie to his office that would soon be his son's office.

"Allison as you know you have been going to other packs to help train the wolves from rouge attack. Well we have a new pack that has asked for our help. I am sending you, Sibuna, Mathew, Andrew, Jacob, and Melissa," Eddie says. I nod knowing this was the normal people that went.

"Of course Alpha. I know we can all be packed with in the hour," I say and nod my head.

"Allison...this pack turned Andrew and Melissa away because they were rouges, so please make sure that Andrew does not kill anyone," Eddie says and sits at his desk.

"I will try my best, but you know it was hard when his whole pack was killed off and only him and his baby sister lived. Melissa does not even remember anything becasue how young she was," I sigh thinking about the story Andrew had told my a year after he came here.

"I understand. Go tell everyone and pack. Also, Allison you will become beta soon. Just like Mathew will be Alpha and Sibuna third. You must be carefull," Eddie says and watches me.

"Alpha, no disrespect or anything but, we will have two five year old kids. One being my son and he only has me as family. I am not planing on leaving him alone any time soon," I say.

"Yes I know, but I have a bad feeling about this pack. Also for protection please bring some pack worrieres you trust with you," Eddie says then starts doing some paper work. I sigh knowing that was the end of it. I walk out and mind link Sibuna, Andrew, Mathew, Lilly, Nick, and Nina telling them to pack because we were leaving in two hours to a diffrent pack.

I went to mine and Jacobs room to pack our bags. When I was almost done Jacob ran in with Melissa following right behind. They were both laughing and each held one cookie.

"Moma we brought you a cookie," Jacob said with a cute little grin that looked so much like his fathers.

"Thank you baby," I say and take the cookie from him. I split it in half and gave one half to him.

"Why are you packing Auntie Alice?" Melissa asks looking at mine and Jacobs bags. "You and Jack can't leave. No you have to stay," Melissa said tear pooling in her eyes.

"No Melissa. Why are not leaving. All three of us plus your brother are going to help a pack, so I packed some clothes for myself and Jacob," I say and pull her into a hug.

"We are ready to go Allison. Did Melissa get upset thinking her bestie was leaving again?" Andrew asked while he leaned agaginst my door fram. Melissa nodded her head and ran to her brother. "I bet these two are going to be mates." Andrew and I had this talk alot. Everyone that saw Melissa and Jacob together could tell that there was a bond stronger then freinds or family.

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