Changing Of The Guard

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Here we go!

*Onboard The Vagabond, Author POV*

T-047 watches Hera as she gazes out into space watching the various fighter craft and such flying in formation, simply mesmerized. T-047 noticed this and decided to speak the girls interest.

T-047: "The fighters caught your eye Hera?"

Hera turned her head towards T but still kept an eye on the fighters

Hera: "Yeah! I like watching them from my room. I wanna fly one when I get older!"

T-047: "I bet if you asked your father he might help you."

Hera: "Really?!"

T-047: "Absolutely."

Hera beamed at T-047 and all seemed calm.. Until, the door to the bridge opened and (Y/N) entered looking disheveled and rubbing his throat.

T-047: "What happened?"

(Y/N): "Well first off, the war is over. The Confederacy is in ruin and the Republic has been taken over by our mutual friend."

T-047: "But we've only been gone for-"

(Y/N): "It's been WEEKS T! WEEKS! And now we're all that's left. We are the final vestige of The Confederacy."

T-047: "I-I can't believe this."

(Y/N) sighed

(Y/N): "It doesn't matter now I suppose. I have reason to believe they were attempting to track our position. However they didn't have enough time to pin point our exact location."

T-047: "What do you suggest sir?"

(Y/N) paused for a second before speaking

(Y/N): "Prepare my ship and send some transports with me."

T-047 nodded and walked out to prepare the transports leaving (Y/N) and Hera alone.

Hera: "Is everything OK dad?"

(Y/N): "As of this very moment yes child. Everything is fine."

Hera: "OK!"

Hera shuffled her feet and started to twiddle her thumbs. (Y/N) noticed

(Y/N): "Is something bothering you?"

Hera: "I was wondering if..."

(Y/N): "Go on."

Hera: "If you could teach me how to pilot a starfighter?"

She looked at him with a sheepish smile. (Y/N)'s eyed widened slightly before changing back to a stoic expression.

(Y/N): "Hmm. Hera how old are you?"

Hera: "10 years old!"

(Hera was born in 29 BBY and the Clone Wars ended in 19 BBY)

(Y/N): "...Come with me."

Hera: "Yay!"

(Y/N) turned on his heel and marched out of the door with Hera close behind him..


T-047 was finishing her final checks on (Y/N)'s transport when he and Hera came into the Hangar.

(Y/N): "T dismiss the pilots. I will be commandeering my shuttle."

T-047: "Would you like my assistance sir?"

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