1: What Had To Be Done

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Dedicated to Azura, as requested. This fanfiction is based on a little bit of research I did on Godzilla and tried to make it my own based on some requests and preferences Azura made. I hope that you enjoy it. Thank you!

"He is tired, Jack. Hell, he wasn't even made to be like this." Margaret argued, her palm against the large creature lying on the ground. It was exhausted after its battle with King Ghidora, but fortunately won against it.

"The creature lost a lot of blood, yes, but it does not mean that Godzilla is done saving us all." Jack frustratingly defended, clutching the phone in his hand which he was ready to use. Just one tap of a finger and a text that would cease the procedure could reach a top lab in Europe, calling quits on what had to be done.

"How do you know even know that? Did the creature talk to you, Jack? Did he?"

"And stop calling it 'He', Margaret. You're already forming an attachment towards it. It's not your son." Jack snapped, making Margaret pause. Then, he shook his head, "Listen. You cannot let these scientists bring him to Europe for a stupid procedure."

"He needs this."

"You are going to take a risk. If it doesn't work, Japan is losing its prime defender."

Margaret scoffed then turned around at the words. Jack knew she was probably cursing at him inside her head, but he had to ask anyway.

"What?" Jack frowned,

The doctor turned around and shook her head at the other doctor, eager to keep the large creature in Tokyo for a selfish reason, "You don't get to call the shots, Jack. Our chief is dead, but that doesn't make you the decision maker. Neither does it make me. But what we can do is make a decision that's best for this creature. This creature who saved millions of lives. Can't we give this to him as a thank you?"

Jack sneered, "Turn it into human as a 'thank you'? Can you hear yourself?"

"Look, Nakamura even said it was the only way to lessen its health risk. If Godzilla is successfully turned into human, he won't have to radiate so much nuclear radiation-which is what you must have forgotten to be dangerous!"

Jack remained silent, rethinking everything. And Margaret continued, her hand back on the creature's cold skin, "Think about it. We can't keep him as an other for too long."

"You're saying that like the goddamn monster has feelings, let alone a consciousness."

Margaret ran up in front of Jack, "Godzilla has. I don't know if you forgot but he saved you. And me. If he didn't save me, I wouldn't be coming home to meet my daughter on Saturday, Jack. So please. Just-"

Jack couldn't resist. She was right. But even then, it was a completely difficult decision to make. What made it even difficult was that the creature could not speak for himself. But it seemed that Margaret, the second chief of scientists, was convinced that it would help the creature to be treated better. She did care for Godzilla because of its kindness and she knew it was capable of so much more if it weren't treated like a weapon.

When Margaret heard of another chance to revive the creature's health and good being, she knew she had to go with it. It would upset the chief of military, but it was worth a risk. "Who would want to be treated as a weapon or an object anyway?" she asked herself. So she planned it with Dr. Nakamura, another leading scientist. They managed to sneak Godzilla in a military ship off to Europe.

Margaret told the new chief of command that Godzilla was to be taken care of. But never did she mention the plan to morph the creature into a much more familiar being.

A month later, Margaret sat in the lab, overseeing through a glass window the large creature. It was still lying on the metal ground, helpless. It costed so much trying to save the world from another powerful monster. But that ended now, she thought.

As she worked for the government and seeing Godzilla fight for their life for years, it was about time Margaret stood up for the creature since no one had the heart to do so. She knew she would do it if it were anyone. But she also hoped that someone did the same for her late son. The thought almost made Margaret tear up but her phone began to ring. She slid it out of her pocket and checked: Amanda, her daughter, was calling again.

She knew she had to answer it or her daughter would know that something was up.

"Hey, Mandy." Marge tried to lift her voice as she went out of the lab and into the hallway,

"Hey mom, I'm in the cafe already. Where are you?" Amanda quickly answered,

Marge had almost forgotten that they were to meet for dinner. It was hard to decline her daughter's requests and it was not only because her daughter was persistent, strong-willed, and stubborn, but because she had always been a mother that loved to be around her daughter. Marge thought that she was lucky enough to have Amanda in her life after losing her eldest son when he was just fifteen. So, even while working, Marge couldn't keep her daughter away. Amanda was currently a freelance writer and had all the time in her hands to accompany her mother who had an experimental project in Europe for a whole month. Amanda insisted that it would be a wonderful experience, while Marge thought it would be dangerous. Not because Godzilla might let loose but because her secrets would be.

Margaret promised she would tell her daughter, but it was not the perfect time, she thought.

"Oh, right, I'm almost done, alright honey?"

"Alright, well, I'll be right here where we planned. I'll have a coffee first, though! I heard they serve really good espressos." She chuckled on the phone, making Margaret smile.

"See you in a while, honey."

"See you, Mom."

Right after Margaret slid her phone back in her pocket, the red light came on. She hurried back inside the lab and found out that the procedure was about to start. It was to commence on Dr. Nakamura's call. But before he signaled for it to start, he glanced at Margaret and nodded. She trusted Nakamura's procedures and knew all would be well.

Then, it began.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2019 ⏰

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