Chapter 5

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Lydia's POV.

I woke up feeling sick. I didn't want to get out of bed. The covers were too comfortable for me to get out of them. I looked at the clock it said "7:15am"

God why do I have to go to work today? Maybe I should call in sick... tell them I got the flu or something. I should call Niki and ask her if she could cover up my shift. I hate being that type of person, but I can't get out of bed.

-What's up? You don't sound okay...
-Yeah I know. I think I have the flu... Could you possibly cover up my shift? I can't even get out of my bed.
-Oh sure, don't worry about it. But you owe me some drinks!
(she said not so bothered by what I had just asked her)
-Really? Thank you so much. We will definitely go out when I start feeling better!
- Get well soon! Oh and Landon says he misses you.
-Barf emoji. Disgusted emoji.
- That's my reaction too! Hahaha. Take care please and if you need anything,don't hesitate to call me!
-Thank you, I will.

Niki is such a caring friend. We hadn't known each other that much,since we met at work but she's been by my side from the day we started working together and I really appreciate because I don't make have a lot of friends.

15 minutes later...

I started feeling sick to my stomach. I immediately ran to the bathroom and vomited my guts out. I started feeling really cold... It must be fever or something.

I went and grabbed a thermometer , sat on my bed anxiously and waited for the results.
It said 40 degrees Celsius. I couldn't believe my eyes.
I immediately thought about going to the hospital but I didn't have a car and taking the bus would take so long...

It's fine, I can wait for the bus... I went to the bathroom washed my face with cold water and wore a pair of jeans with a simple T-shirt.

I looked like a reck, I brushed my hair and it got frizzier. Thanks for nothing I said to myself.

I put on my jacket, grabbed my purse and headed out.

The bus stop was five minutes away from my home thank God because I wouldn't be able to walk longer than that!

I sat on a bench and looked down at my watch it said "7:35" the bus won't be here for another 25 minutes. This must be a joke right ? That's it I should call an Uber it will probably be here faster than the bus.

Shawn's POV

- I don't want to listen to your bullshit. GET OUT OF MY OFFICE.
- What do you mean she's dying?
- She has cancer. We didn't tell you earlier because we didn't want to bother you, but she is in a critical condition. She just wanted to see you in her last moments and tell you how sorry we are for what we did to you. We love you,son. We really do. Life was really harsh on us from the beginning but we're glad your adopting parents were able to give you so much more than we could ! And look at you now.

I didn't know what to say. I was speechless. One of my first memories is her. Me being in her arms and smelling her beautiful dirty blond hair. I will never forget that smell, it made me feel safe.

-I'm sorry, I didn't know. Where is she can I see her?
-Yes of course,son. She's in Saint John's Hospital. I can drive you there if you want me to...
-Yeah, okay. Let's go.

The ride to the hospital was silent. I wasn't able to take out a word neither was he.

We arrived to the hospital after 10 minutes. While getting out of the car I started feeling anxious and I was unable to breathe properly, my vision became very foggy.

-You used to get anxious like that when you where little. Your mommy's hug was the only thing that could calm you down.

-I remember.

-Son,before we go in, I want to say that the guilt I have for what I did, has never gone away. I regret every single thing I did. I wish I could take it back. I'm sorry son, it's okay if you're not ready to accept my apology and it's okay if you never accept. I just want you to know that I love you and I'm proud of you.

-Thank,you.... Dad.

It was visible that his eyes were watering, he never showed emotion and was never vulnerable in-front of me. Today he showed to me that he was not the emotionless monster I thought he was. But I wasn't ready to accept his apology yet.

-Okay,let's go inside.

Lydia's POV.
My Uber has arrived.
Thank God! I was freezing out there.
The ride to the hospital was silent. The driver was a guy in his 30's probably and was very polite. He asked me to put some music on and put my favorite song Mercy by this artist whose name I don't remember but he was really good...

15 minutes later...
I arrived at the hospital feeling way worse than I did before. I couldn't even bring myself to walk to the entrance. I sat on a bench that was facing the hospital's front entrance, just so I could gain a bit of strength to go inside.

A few moments later I heard a familiar male voice.

I immediately turned my head and saw my damn ex Landon standing there with some balloons that said "It's a girl". He was definitely here for his sister because I remember her being pregnant when we were together.

I looked down trying to make myself less visible so he couldn't notice I was there. But he saw me seconds later. He came running to me and said "LYDIA! WHY ARE YOU HERE ?"
I answered with a low voice "Well you already know I have a flu so that's why I'm here. Congrats on your sister though!"
He looked at me and said with excitement "Thank you!!! I'm an uncle now. You don't look okay though... do you want me to help you get inside?"
I had no other choice but letting him help me. I got up,put my arm around his shoulders while he had his arm around my back and eventually we managed to get near the entrance.

As I started going up those 4 stairs before the entrance I saw *him*.

He seemed upset,until our eyes met. We made eye contact for more than 10 seconds.

Landon said "What are you looking at?"

While Shawn had just opened the door to come out of the hospital. I felt weak at my knees,my vision got blurry fell down as Landon's embrace wasn't enough to hold my tired body.

If you find any spelling/grammar mistakes pls notify me or comment!

THANK YOU SO MUCH IF YOU'RE READING THIS AND I'M SORRY FOR NEVER POSTING. I can't excuse myself anymore I'm just dumb. I hope you liked this chapter.
More to come soon.❤️
Instagram: smellslikeshawn
Twitter: brightshawnm

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