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She wish time will freeze, she love and cherish this moment. Just herself and her adorable little munchkins. Her babies are her world. Her blessing from God. They always remind her of her sister and mother.
Always fantasies of a life with her favorite people without the cruelty of the world.

"Mama, what will happen next when he comes back?' Sabr asked with her little accents, fear clouding her thoughts. her mother looked  sorrowful at the kid. She tried her best not to breakdown at their sights.
She should be strong, she thought. For them.

"Yes, mama are we going to pack up and leave? Salwa added feeling dejected. Staring at their mum who was trying to convince them it will turn out good and fine.

but she remembered vividly what he had said before exited. " I will send you packing, useless woman". it pained her being called useless in the presence of her girls who looks up to her, she's their super woman. The  five years old are very smart and could fish out lies when they smell one.

" uhmm, babies , All is well inshaa Allah. You're mama's strengths... I will always be with you no matter the drama. Just have faith in me" she stroke their hair, giving them the best smile she could muster.

All was not well. It's no more a drama their mum told them they were acting. they want that drama to end right away because they don't feel that Happy Ever After coming soon.

They knew the storm await. They have been living with threat. But they wouldn't want to press. So they gave a nod. Not more than few seconds they heard a wail.

"Amina!! He howls. " come down here " he commanded. She walked very fast to receive what ever penalty he would give.

Walking round the dining table, downstairs. "What nonsense!, just because I asked you never to touch my things. You refused to cook ko? . And from today, there would not be a single grain in this house. "  he fumed sending daggers her way.

The twins were terrified and kept sobbing. Amina ran down and stood by his side. "I'm very sorry jafar, I was not feeling too well, but just give me a sec, I will get you something to eat." She plead. Running to the kitchen her body trembles.

He looked over her saw the girls sobbing. " little devils. What are you looking at? So, I'm now a monster? Your mother have been feeding you lies about me. No problem. Okay? I will see who will feed in this house.  Keep staring at me.." He kept barking. The girls ran back to their room.

"I will deal with you later. Stupid girls following their useless mothers foot step, both you are your mother are useless. What do I gain having you around?...." He went on and on, calling them names and what not.

Amina served  him noodles. Her heart beating in her chest. he looked at her weak sight, she looked frightened. He took the plate of the hot steaming food and rained all on her.
She screamed at the top of her voice. he smiled and left the house. Mission accomplished.

The girls came down running to her, they inspected her body for any bruise, helped her clean up and walked her to her room. Her guardian angels. She thought, thanking God for blessings her with enchanting girls.

Amina was so grateful it went so well, today's episodes was not as epic as the previous, since he didn't hit her, drown her at the toilets seats or kick her rolling down the stairs. But what difference did it make when he showered her with hot steaming food.
Her skin was still burning. She was so exhausted. And he wouldn't let go.  But how can she break her home. As if there's one. But she was the bond to her girls happiness.

She took a long shower, washing aways all her agony and distress. Her fear had eaten up her guts. She sometime wonder how she let things escalate to such extend. One thing for sure, jafar was not a psychopath. He was fine. Could he be depressed about something. Its pains her, it really does, how he wouldn't  let her help him.

He is this open book she tried so hard to read but never seems to grok.  She has an optimistic personality, was she wrong for trying to see a good sight in this marriage.

She grow up with so much love from her parents, in a very big influential family, with so much wealth. she always dread for a day her family should  learn about the ruthless life she'd been living for the past few  years. They won't take it likely with her. And him. It gonna be an entirely different story.

She wish, she only wish a loving jafar will come home with a smile. feed her with a love dialogue, expressing his immense love for her and the girls. She didn't care what he does outside the house, because she knows deep down, jafar had never loved her and will never do.  

But there's no harm in dreaming the inevitable. Tho she believes on miracle. And she will keep wishing and praying to God that jafar, comes home. With not Just a smile but with so much sincerity, and tell her no atrocity will repeat itself. That will just do the trick.  That will feed her for decades.

A believer always hope for more everyday. she was one, and she wouldn't stop. Not now not ever .
She will continue to be the ideal wife she has always been, dress nice, smell good and look beautiful as always.

He need not to apologize, because he is forgiven. she wiped her eyes out hoping her desires be fulfilled. Allah knows best. She has suffered. She was fighting and still is. She knows girls of 21st century won't accept to be a trash she is. But she got her reasons.

In the End, The truth always triumphs
she won't quit, she's not a quitter, because only quitter quite. She cried herself to sleep with the best course  to conquer. 

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Hello my people, how you doing?  Are you feeling ok?

Thanks for reading and shower it with lots of love please.  I really want to know what you think about the style already.

Expect a massive twist as the story unfold.

i do appreciate comment like crazy. Drag all your clan to vote please and share.


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