• C H A P T E R 7 •

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Taehyung's pov

I looked at Aera's face. I can't deny that she is pretty. Yup, I said that, the boy who always tells her ugly in front of her face.

But I was literally confused as this girl somewhat looks familiar with Ace, the fighter. The same face, same eyes except Aera has brown hair and wears braces.

Ok... I might be overthinking, there is no way these two are similar but Aera is kinda cute.

Ok, Kim Taehyung get a hold of yourself she is just stepsister, now.

We reached our house rather I should say mansion. I shook Aera to wake her up but instead, I received a punch straight on my face, throwing me backward.

"what the hell!" Her punch is literally strong. I groaned in pain. I went over to the back of the car and took out a bottle, went back to Aera, and dumped the whole water onto her face.

She snapped her eyes open. She looked around and her eyes planted on me, confused eyes turned into ferocious ones.

I unintentionally gulped and I did what was best in the situation. I took a run and dash into the house with Aera shouting at me on the top of her voice.



Taehyung ran at full speed as much as his legs could do but Aera was hit on his tail. Taehyung running for his life and Aera for his life.

He learned a lesson today, it is: Never mess with Aera.

"How dare you dump water on me, you rat" Aera shouted

"I tried to wake you up but instead you punched me" he shouted while running, slowly going out of breath.

Running and running, they were in the kitchen now. Aera spotted a rolling pin nearby. She picked it up and smirked evilly at him. Just like the vampire who is ready to suck you dry.

"Today I'll roll you up and will bake you"

And with that, the chasing started again. The kitchen was big so Taehyung slipped from the kitchen to the living room again.

"Kids where are you ?" They heard someone shout.

"Dad!! Help me" Taehyung ran towards his dad as soon as he saw him, just like a kid who wants dad to save him from his mother's flying hands.

Aera came running along. She stopped when she saw their parents. The old new couple looked at Taehyung and the at Aera and then to the rolling pin in the hand, held up.

"What's the problem Aera? Why are you running after with that rolling pin? And what happened to your wi- hair?" She almost said wig. Lol.

Aera looked at Taehyung who was behind his dad, hiding. "This idiot dumped water on me and didn't say a sorry even"

"Hey! You were the one, who punched me when I tried to wake you up. You seriously ruined by a handsome face."

"I'm glad I did that, your ugly face looks even uglier"

Their parents looked at the bickering. Not even a day and you two were after each other's neck.

Aera's mom had it enough. She sighed and shouted," you two, both calm down and sit down"

Once they settled, Mrs. Park said calmly yet sternly, " we left you two for what 30 minutes and you two are already ready to take each other's life? I want you two to be independent and I don't like to think that I made a bad choice by telling you two to do live together. So I want you guys to be completely normal, no fighting, no quarreling or otherwise I will take your credit cards, cars and you too will be grounded." she stopped for a moment and continued, "the wedding is in 2 days and I want my family to be happy with no fights. I want to have a happy, laughing, and caring environment around you and us. Understood?"

Both the kids nodded like a three-year-old being scolded by their mom for breaking her favorite flower vase.

"Now go to your room. your rooms up on the first floor and beside each other. others are guest rooms" their parents stated.

Again Taehyung and Aera both snapped their head up a looked at their parents and then looked at each other and then again looked at the parents. But the fear of being grounded kept their mouth shut.

They got up and silently went upstairs to their respective rooms and after that no sign of them.

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