Mitsuki's singing voice filled the part of the forest he was in. A light breeze was blowing through, making the leaves sway like they were enjoying Mitsuki's sweet voice. The young doctor put his whole heart into his song, unaware of the tragedy in the village. The songs written in the book had to be sung perfectly to draw out their power and reach the hearts of the animals. The Beastmaster must also clearly state their motive and concentrate fully.
The purpose of the song Mitsuki was singing was to call small animals to him. Ever since Mitsuki started practising, he had never managed to attract one.
Well, not until now.
Mitsuki finished his song and opened his eyes to find what seemed to be a pink fluff ball with long ears. It had very short legs and a mini poofy bunny tail. Mitsuki stared in awe for a while before his o-shaped mouth turned into a wide smile of pride. "No way... I did it! I called a... rabbit?"
"Here, come here!" Mitsuki hummed a quick tune. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a bag of small food pellets. Tsumugi helped him make them by following the recipe in a book. The scent from them was said to calm the beasts. There were several different recipes for different purposes, such as amplifying the beasts' power or charming the toughest ones. Most of the advanced recipes could only be crafted by getting help from animals.
The rabbit curiously stared at the pellets in Mitsuki's hands. "Myuuuu?" It slowly moved in, step by step. Finally, it sniffed the pellets before eating them. "Myu! Myu!" It jumped up and down excitedly.
"It is sooo cute. I can't wait to show Riku!" Mitsuki petted the rabbit's fluffy fur. His eyebrow dropped a little. "Although, the fur is bad for his asthma."
"Right! I will need to go back and look up what this creature can do." Mitsuki was totally hyped. He couldn't wait to find out what sort of magic this 'rabbit' can cast. "Well then, I'll see you tomorrow. Make sure to come out when I sing okay?"
"Myuuuuu~!" The rabbit replied and disappeared into the deep forest. According to the book, once the Beastmaster befriended each creature, some sort of a 'pact' was formed and the Beastmaster would be able to call for that particular creature again. Moreover, the pact improved the success of calling other creatures of the same species.
"Tsumugi-chan!!!" Mitsuki pretty much ran back to the mansion. He was so excited to tell the news. However, that excitement quickly faded when Tsumugi walked towards him with a frown on her face. "Mitsuki-san..." The doctor was shocked to hear about the horrible tragedy. At that time, Riku and Gaku were still at the village. No one at the mansion knew about the man they had found yet.
"Anesagi Productions..."
Tenn stared at the business card in his hands while walking back home after putting on a mesmerising show on the busy street. He easily stopped people in their tracks especially when entertainment was much needed in such an academic world.
A certain lady (or a man?)...Tenn had no way of knowing by looking at her appearance or listening to her voice. Her bright pink hair was easy to spot among the crowd when she walked forward confidently to approach Tenn.
"Hello, charming boy, are you interested in becoming an idol?" She handed Tenn her business card. "I am Anesagi Kaoru. President of Anesagi Productions, oh! And for the longest time... " She started letting more of her feminine voice out. "I've been looking for a star like you!"
"Well, thank you." Tenn kept his perfect composure and acted professionally even though his heart was pounding from excitement.
"Give me a call if you are interested, okay?" An audition will be held soon, so you'd better be quick. " With that, Anesagi took her leave. She sure was fast at getting straight to the point.

FanfictionScience conquers Silica. The world is constantly evolving with technology. In Majabah, magic rules. Achievements are made through the power of magic. The two worlds exist separately without any connections to each other until a young doctor is accid...