Chapter Six

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A tortoiseshell she-cat opened her sky-blue eyes and yawned. She saw her twoleg standing awake in the kitchen, with water pouring onto her naked paws. Fly stood up and stretched, her blue collar loosening slightly. She padded over to her twoleg and rubbed against her leg. Fly felt a naked, wet paw brush through her fur, and she purred despite the coldness of it.

The tortoiseshell she-cat leapt onto the counter and looked out the window, where she saw a completely black cat standing on a fence. The cat was large and fluffy, but despite that she seemed very graceful. Her blueish green eyes were staring at the window where Fly had just appeared. The black she-cat smiled when she saw the tortoiseshell.

Fly's sky-blue eyes lit up and she jumped down and raced to the door, where she meowed loudly so her twoleg would let her out. When the twoleg opened the door, Fly bounded out and onto the fence where she saw the black she-cat.

"Holly! What are you doing here?" the tortoiseshell she-cat smiled.

"You won't ever guess!" Holly continued before Fly could say anything. "I went to go see Fresh, because she lives closer to me than you do, and I wanted to play, but I went to her house and I couldn't find her!"

"What?!" Fly was shocked. She had never known Fresh to disappear. "Are you sure she wasn't asleep?"

Holly nodded. "I'm sure. The window was opening and I was calling her. You know she isn't a light sleeper. I'm really worried, Fly! What if something happened to her?"

Fly tried to stay calm, even though she was really afraid for her friend. "Let's go by her house. Maybe she got stuck somewhere?"

"Okay..." Holly agreed, but was still unconvinced.

The two she-cats walked over to Fresh's house in an uncomfortable silence. When they arrived, both she-cats leapt onto the wooden fence by the house. Fly peered in, looking around for Fresh. She was about to call out for her, when someone spoke first.

"What are you two doing?" a tan tabby she-cat with brown tabby markings was trying to keep from bursting out laughing. Fly almost fell off of the fence.

"Fresh!" Holly jumped off of the fence onto the ground and nuzzled Fresh. Fly quickly followed.

"Oh, Fresh, we were so worried about you! Where were you?" Fly asked, worriedly.

"You're going to love this; I went out into the wild. With a wild cat," Fresh meowed calmly. Fly's blue eyes widened with disbelief.

"No. Way! Tell us all about it!" Holly meowed, her blue-green eyes shining. The black she-cat sat down, hoping to hear a story.

"Well, I was heading for the Thunderpath, the big one, when I met with a wild cat named Flame. He took me to meet his friends, and I talked with them for a while. I accidentally fell asleep out there, and I just got back. It was really cool, but I am pretty tired right now..." the tan tabby yawned as she finished her tale. Holly frowned.

"Was that it?" the black cat asked, disappointed.

"Pretty much. Do you guys mind if I go sleep? I'm pretty tired," Fresh repeated. Fly shook her head, so Fresh slipped through the slightly opened window and disappeared. Fly turned back to Holly, who seemed undeterred, but Fly felt like there was something Fresh wasn't telling them. She shrugged it off and looked at Holly, who seemed like she had another idea of what to do.

"Let's go find Frosti and Fluffy! I want to play in Fluffy's yard, and we can bring Frosti with us," Holly mewed excitedly, and bolted off before Fly could say anything. The tortoiseshell smiled, then ran after her friend.

The two ran around the Twolegplace, heading for Frosti's house first. Before they could call out for her, an orange she-cat called out to them.

The she-cat was bright, she shone with orange. She had soft, silky fur that blew along in the slight breeze. Her grassy green eyes were bright with wonder, her cream-colored tail held eye. All in all, this cat shone.

"What are you two doing here? Looking for me?" the bright orange she-cat purred.

"Hey, Shine! Actually, we were looking for Frosti, but you should come with us! We're going to ask her to come with us to Fluffy's yard!" Holly meowed in response. Shine's green eyes widened.

"Fluffy's yard?" Shine whispered. Fly nodded. The orange she-cat's green eyes lit up in excitement. "I wouldn't miss it for the world!"

Shine joined them as they walked to Frosti's house. It didn't take them very long, and when they arrived, they heard the voices of two cats that they recognized.

The first was a mainly white she-cat who had gray patches in her fur. She was fairly tall, with pointy ears. Her muzzle and ears were both a deep ebony, and her eyes were a murky, dark blue.

The second cat was a cream tom, who had patches of black covering his pelt. He was smaller than the she-cat, but was still tall. He also had blue eyes, but his were a lighter shade.

"Frosti! Ripple! Over here!" Holly shouted. The two cats turned from their conversation and padded over to the three other housecats.

"Hey guys. What is it?" the cream and black tom asked politely.

"We wanted to ask if you wanted to join us in Fluffy's yard," Fly answered. Both Frosti and Ripple looked excited at the prospect, but Frosti was slightly suspicious.

"How did you get Fluffy to agree?" she asked.

"Oh, Fluffy and I go way back. He's actually my brother!" Holly meowed. "We were sort of split up, but we do live near each other! He won't mind if it's me."

That seemed to satisfy Frosti, who began to looked excited again. "Alright! Lead the way!"

The black she-cat nodded and turned around, heading back the way they came. The cats all talked on their way, but Fly was quiet, too busy wondering about her best friend.

I hope Fresh is alright, even if I don't completely believe her. I wonder what the wild cats were like? That one cat, Flame, doesn't seem completely trustworthy. Who would just invite a housecat out into the wild? Fly was too focused on her thoughts that she hardly noticed when they arrived. Frosti had to call out to her for her to snap out of it.

Fly followed the white and gray she-cat over the fence and into Fluffy's yard, which certainly lived up to its reputation.

The yard was large and covered in beautiful green grass, with different colored flowers sprouting everywhere, including catnip, which Shine immediately rushed over to. There was a little pool filled with fish that a russet colored tom with a bobbed tail was dabbing at with his white paws, his ice blue eyes looking determined. A very fluffy white cat with a black tail came padding over to the cats who just arrived, his copper eyes welcoming as he saw Holly.

"Holly! You came!" the white tom nuzzled his sister. "I was worried you wouldn't, so I invited Ember over," he indicated the russet tom with his tail.

"Of course I came! I just stopped by Frosti's house first, where we found Shine and Ripple. I hope you don't mind," Holly meowed sheepishly. Fluffy shook his head.

"Not at all! The more, the merrier. Make yourselves at home," the white tom raised his tail above his head. Holly purred and sat down to chat with her brother. Ripple went over to join Ember by the pool, and Frosti joined Shine, hoping to talk. Fly padded over to a corner of the yard, where the sun was shining on her. She curled up to sleep, but before she closed her sky-blue eyes, she saw a leaf, blowing in the wind. It was on fire.

Fly blinked and it was gone, so the tortoiseshell dismissed it as a trick of her mind. But something bothered her about the leaf. A feeling that it was important.

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