The Visitation

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Kelly slung on her floral dress as the doorbell rang. She was preparing for a fancy dinner out with her fiancé, but he wasn't expected to arrive so soon. Confused, she walked over to the entrance and opened the door. It was Jake Neal, but he wasn't dressed like he normally did. He wasn't wearing the button down shirt and tie, pleated pants, giving the appearance of a very organized man, instead he was dressed very casual, sporting something similar to what you would wear to a rave, very unusual for his taste.

"Oh hey, Jake!" she said, trying to say as calmly as possible. She couldn't help that he'd caught her off guard. She got slightly distracted by his tight shirt, accenting his toned figure. Realizing her eyes were wandering, she looked back up quickly, meeting his eyes and hoping he didn't notice her roaming gaze.

"Hey Kelly, were you planning anything tonight?" he said with a friendly smile that was always plastered on his face. Her eyes widened slightly with shock. Didn't she tell him that she was going out with her fiancé tonight? She was always bragging about how great he was, updating her fellow coworkers on their plans and organized activities, showing him off like a prized goat.

She replied hesitantly, "Umm, well I was just getting ready to go out with Joel, but you can stay for a few," she returned the smile and made way for Jake to enter. She looked around the house, realizing how trashed and disorganized the place was. She hadn't cleaned in days, she was too busy planning her wedding with her fiancé that she didn't notice that most of the furniture had collected dust, and there were random objects scattered around haphazardly.

"S-sorry for the mess, Jake," she stuttered embarrassedly, "I wasn't expecting company, I didn't-" he cut her off, laughing softly in his speech, "No no, it's fine, really. I don't mind. It be nice if my wife helped keep it as tidy as this," he said, sitting down in the kitchen, leaning on the counter. She could tell something was troubling him, the tone of his voice laced with uneasiness.

Kelly met him in the kitchen and walked over to the fridge, "Well do you want anything? Food, a drink..." she said, waiting for his response. "Yeah, a drink sounds good," he said, breaking their eye contact as he looked down at his folded hands. "Things haven't gone down well with my wife and I, I just needed someone to talk to," he said quietly, "someone... someone who cared about me," Jake looked up, his gazes meeting hers as he managed a soft smile, "you were the first one that came to mind."

She was touched, and somewhat flattered that he came to her for this. Kelly nodded and thought what he'd told her. "Tell you what, I'll let you kick it here for a while, but Joel is going to get here in a bit," she said with a smile as she opened her fridge and retrieved a tall bottle of red wine and poured two glasses for themselves. Handing it to him, she said, "So did you just want to talk about stuff?"

He took the glass and looked down at it, "Yeah, well if you don't mind. I just wanted someone to hang with for a while. Work's been stressful, and Carry hasn't made things any easier," he said, sipping his wine.

Kelly could tell that his wife has been in his beef about something, she avoided asking him though, as it seemed it was a tender subject. She drank her red wine and listened to him. c She couldn't help but to feel sorry for the guy, he was clearly going through something stressful.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2014 ⏰

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