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It's been about a week or two since Abel talked to me. I wasn't even trying to avoid him. Cash said they're all coming to the photo shoot today. I wasn't modelling today but I had to stay here. It was about 6:30pm, cash said he'd be coming around this time.

I was sitting on a table, going through my phone when a knock came to the door. I slightly jumped scared but I knew it was cash. Seconds later the door opened. I then saw hyghly, cash, hawk

, Lamar and Abel with a girl wrapped around his arms. Exactly why I didn't want him. I stood up and fixed my shirt. I was wearing a grey crop top, cut black skinny jeans, combat boots and a leather jacket. My hair was natural, it looked pretty though. I went up to go greet cash and the others. Once I greeted them all I was going to go to Abel but the girl pushed him to the side and tried or started kissing him. I didn't mind, I guess it would've been awkward anyways. I was sitting with Lamar and cash talking, when Abel came over. He sat beside cash. I didn't want to start a conversation so I just went up to go ask Jared (the manager) if I could leave now, he agreed after about 3 minutes of begging. I grabbed my purse and went to go say bye to the guys. I went to the table they were sitting at "hey uhm I have to go home, I'll see you guys tomorrow?" I asked. "Yeah for sure, did you bring your car?" Cash asked, "oh no someone dropped me off" I said. "Oh alright, need a ride home? I can get you one" Lamar spoke. "No thanks, I can walk"

After I said bye to them all Abel spoke up "aight so you can't spend half an hour with us but you so damn eager to go fuck that nigga at your place. Hmm don't get prego hoe. alright I got it" he said giving me a death glare mixed with a frown? I looked at him in the eye for about 10-15 second trying to figure him out. Is he serious or is he just fucking around? "Cara look I-" before he can finish his sentence I walked towards the door and slammed it shut. I sighed after I left the room, why are guys so fucked up? I thought to myself.

I left the building pissed and walked towards my Lamborghini, I got in and started the car. After about driving around 30-45 minutes I reached my apartment. Walking in I was greeted by Jade, she was always at the front of the hotel. "Hey cara" she said smiling, "hi Jade" I replied, "aw why do you seem so sad and tired?" She asked looking at me up and down. "Nothing, just a busy week" I spoke, lying about the situation with Abel. "Oh okay, get some rest hopefully you'll feel better, bye." She said smiling and walking away.

I quickly glanced at my watch and walked towards my room. Once I got in the first thing I did was collapse on my couch, i was too lazy to get up at the moment. I watched some shows for about 40 minutes before getting up and going to go change. I took out a over-sized shirt and put it on, I didn't take off my bra or panties because I was going to still stay up for a bit. While I was lying on my bed on my phone, the door bell rang. I got up checking my hair and answered the door, "Abel?" I spoke looking at him standing there at the door. "Can i come in?" He asked looking up at me giving me a sad smile. "Uh, well I was going to go to sleep so you can come tomorrow.." I said because I know he was going to try and pull a move on me. "Hmm I know you're not going to sleep, let me in." He said trying to get through. I blocked him. "Who the fuck do you think you are coming to my door like that and trying to act like this is your fucking house" I said about to shut the door but he blocked it with his foot. "Nah man all I wanted to say was sorry for what I said earlier, babe I didn't mean it I was just pissed off" he spoke coming inside my place after backing up giving him space

"Yeah uhm it's okay" I said.

"Soo like you wanna watch a movie or something, I m-mean like if you want to..?" He asked scratching his neck. "We could I guess" I said laughing and shutting the door behind him.

We both decide on watching The conjuring. I was kinda scared of scary movies but I didn't tell him. We were both on my bed and the lights were off. We were watching it on the huge tv on the wall. Since the movie started Abel went on his phone around 3 times and it was only like 25 minutes into the movie. To be honest it was annoying the shit out of me like you're the one that suggested to watch a movie and you're on your phone half the time. There was one scene where I really got scared and shook. Abel laughed and put his arm around me pulling me closer to him.

Abel's pov

The movie finished and cara was fast asleep on my chest. I felt like so lucky idk why. I decided to stay over because I don't know if cara would get nightmares while I was gone. I mean she got scared quite a few times during the movie. I took off my jacket, shit and pants before climbing into the bed. I wasn't tired. I pushed cara close to my body and traced circles around her arm. She was so perfect. She was wearing an over-sized shirt with nothing underneath except for panties. That was a huge turn on. I wanted her to myself and only me. I decided not to do anything and just go on my phone.

I've been on my phone for about 15 minutes and I just got a text. It was from Mya, the girl with me earlier in the building.

(Text message)

Mya: Babe, come over ;) I got a surprise for you.

Abel: aha nah I'm good.

Mya: are you with that bitch cara? She can't give you shit. I'll give you what you want baby just come ;)

Abel: I ain't fucking with you no more mya

Mya: lmao fuck that bitch cara we all know you want me, I'll cut the hoe's face off like fuck

Abel: Bitch you ain't touching my girl. Back the fuck up

Mya: Lmao last time I checked you don't have "1" girl that you stay with. Nigga you being is difficult like JESUS. If you don't come I'll show cara our sex videos. She'll even see all the shit you've said to me that you say to her too. Ha she won't be wanting to deal with your ass any longer."

Abel: .. I'll be there in 15 minutes. Only one time and you have to delete the videos.

Mya: alright baby, hurry up! ;)

*End of Convo*

I groaned loudly. What the fuck is wrong with that bitch. All I want is cara, if she can't deal with her fine ass then that shit sucks for her.

I got up and quickly got dressed before kissing cara even though she was asleep and heading towards her house. "Shit and I thought this was going to be a good night" I said quietly to my self.

Yeahhhh, I know I haven't been on for a while. This is just a quick update. I didn't have time to check over it so if there's any spelling errors please inform me! Also please comment feedback and ideas that I can put in my story bc I would love that! Comment, vote and follow! Love you :)

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