Gruvia Contests

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Hello, and welcome to the GRUVIA CONTESTS. It will help if you follow us, this is required and will be easier for us to keep track. (the Gruvia Contest is a competition)


JAN— MAY~ Enter your story
MAYJUN~ Judging period
JUN~ Winners revealed

1. There will be 4 categories:
   - Minor Gruvia Award (0 - 1k reads)
   - Major Gruvia Award (1k - 4k reads)
   - Gruvia Award (4k+)
   - Gruvia One-shots Award

2. The Minor Gruvia Award is for those Gruvia stories who don't have much recognition and to give them that recognition that they deserve. To apply for this award you MUST have under 2.5k reads.

The Major Gruvia Award is for Gruvia stories IN BETWEEN 2.5k to 4k reads if you want to enter this award.

The Gruvia Award is for those who have OVER 4k reads if you want to enter this award.

The Gruvia One-shot Award is for ONE SHOTS to enter this award your READS WILL NOT MATTER and you can not enter the other awards if you have an one shot because you will already have an area for one shots.

3. You can enter 3 of your books as long as they are GRUVIA (fairy tail) related. If you are an admin you can enter 2 books. All must have at LEAST 3 chapters to enter (unless an one shot). To enter there will be form in a later chapter.

4. For each of the categories there will be 3 places 1st, 2nd and 3rd and there will be 1 honourable mentions.

5. Judging will be out of 50

  - Plot — 10
  - Character development — 20
  - Grammars — 15
  - originality — 5

6. To know you have read through this please remember this password: GRJU

7. You need to FOLLOW US for updates .

Thank you.

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