The Unnerving Answer

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It began on a whim. Walking through the night I heard them calling out their usual sound. "Who? Who?" Normally I would just smile and respond in the same tone that simple word. Once or twice I could even swear I saw an owl turn to look at me when I did it.

Tonight though I had enjoyed time with my friends and gotten as tired as can be before heading home. Thus the usual calls from the owls came from trees. "Who? Who? Who?"

I laughed to myself at hearing them call out and I spoke up. "Why of course it is me my old friends! Eraitt of the North. Walking my way home." I chuckled a bit more as I continued walking. When I stopped to take a breath I realized it all went silent. None of the usual hooting in the trees and even the wind seemed to stop. I looked around and on a branch a solitary owl was sitting upon it.

"So it really is you old friend." The owl's white feathers seemed to glow in the darkness and I immediately felt a chill run up my spine. All feelings of tiredness left my body.

I swallowed hard and nodded to it. "Yes, yes it is me. Simply going home after spending time with some pals." The owl cocked its head to the side and I felt the pressure of more eyes upon me all around.

It gently flew over, not even making a whisper of a sound and landed on a stump in front of me. "Sir Eraitt you've quite grown. It has been many moons that we have searched for you. Many many moons. But with the time, we know how your people change. Thus we asked each night, in attempt to find you. The court will be pleased to see you doing well."

I blinked a few times and took a deep breath.  "Well yes I've been raised well. I do my best to eat smart..... mostly." I felt a bit sheepish in front of the owl. The glowing look of it made me feel as though I was speaking to royalty. "But why look for me? I can't remember anything I've done of importance."

The owl's eyes partially closed and it moved in what could best be described as it holding in a laugh. "You have only done the court kindness, and by extension all of us. Even as you walked amongst this trail you spoke out kindly, even though in your ignorance it was slightly mocking." I laughed nervously. "But take heed, keep well, for the time is almost nigh." It flapped its wings and began to rise.

"Okay but if the time is coming then who should I keep a lookout for?!" I felt confusion creep into my voice.

As it began to fly away I heard it respond, "Not who, but what."

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