Chapter 43 - Letharia Vulpina

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Derek, Scott and I run down the stairs, through the hospital, and out into the parking lot.

Once we get outside, I take immediate notice of the fire hydrant that was crashed into and water is gushing out everywhere.

We run forward, watching as Kira flips over a car that was headed right for her. She lands in the puddle of water right next to the wire just as our steps are getting through the crowd of people that have gathered around.

I'm more focused on Kira, causing me to let out an oof noise when my steps are stopped immediately from Derek's arm, that he throws out across my front.

One grateful look down and I see why he stopped us my dumb ass almost ran right into the electrified water

Derek pushes us back a few steps as the water slows on the ground it was gaining on us. Lifting my eyes from the water I watch as the wire dances in front of Kira like she's a snake charmer.

She reaches out and grabs the wire with one hand, taking a moment to look at the sparks flying from one end for a few moments.

I share a shocked look with Scott before we watch her lift her other hand up slowly to cover the sparks flying end with her palm. Her hand immediately glows like when you cover a flashlight with the palm of your hand.

We hear the electricity crackle and watch the lights around the hospital flicker quickly before Kira slowly opens her eyes. When she does they are lit up like the Were's in our life, however they're a beautiful amber almost orange color well hey there foxfire

People start rushing out of the hospital, just as her eyes switch back to her normal color and she drops the dead wire onto the ground by her feet.

With the threat of the electricity snake wire gone, we look around and a quick gasp leaves my lips at seeing Isaac laying down in the water completely unconscious.

Derek and I rush forward, dropping onto either side of Isaac. I set my hands on his face while Derek feels for his pulse. He lifts his eyes to mine as he mutters just above a whisper "He's not breathing."

Derek turns back towards where Scott is still standing looking at Kira in complete shock as he bellows "Scott, he's not breathing!"

We find paramedics, who get Isaac breathing again. They get him loaded onto a gurney to take him inside to be admitted and checked over. He wasn't healing yet and that's just the beginning of our problems

Deputies and of course dad show up, they mull about the parking lot while I fill Noah in on what we saw on the roof and in the parking lot with the wire.

Once I'm done filling him in, Parrish walks over informing "two people said they saw Stiles' jeep leave the hospital."

I make a noise of confusion, furrowing my brows as I turn back to Noah "Stiles left? How? Whe–" I gasp and widen my eyes "the power surge– he was in the MRI machine– holy shi–"

Noah sets his hand on my arm and turns back to Parrish "Someone needs to find him– now"

Noah turns back to me and looks like he doesn't want to ask but he needs to know.

I shake my head and spare him from having to utter the words "Remember how I told you when the noise gets to be too much I have to scream, and once I do it's like a clarity bubble calms everything around me and I can focus on what the noise was specifically?"

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