Chapter 17: The End

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OMG!!! Last chapter, guys! But I may be writing a sequel! Still, be sure to have a look at some of my other fanfictions and future original stories!

Scott’s POV
She was dead. How could he? How could he kill her?! I ran up to her corpse that was now laying on the ground. Logan tried to push me away so I blasted him backwards. I looked around to see everyone, the students and Magneto’s team, unconscious. I heard Logan yelling something at me but I couldn’t hear him. I couldn’t see anything except Jean’s body lying still and limp on the ground. I couldn’t hear anything except the blood dripping off her lifeless corpse. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Rogue’s tear stained face looking down at me.
“Don’t worry.” She said. “At least the Phoenix is gone.” I jumped up as a realisation hit me.
“That’s it!” I yelled. “Jean’s not dead.” The other X-Men looked at me like I was crazy. “Look,” I tried to explain. “She can’t be dead because her mind is inside of Rogue.” Rogue looked at her own hands then at me.
“I must be insane.” She laughed. She walked over to Jean’s lifeless body. She knelt down and took off her gloves. She hesitated, then took one of Jean’s limp hands in her own. At first, nothing happened. Then, without warning, Rogue screamed. Ororo ran over to help her but there was nothing she could do.
“Rogue!” cried the Professor. “Let go!” Rogue did as he said and released Jean’s hands. I hung my head. How could it not have worked?
“I was so sure!” I exclaimed, angrily. Logan came up behind me.
“It’s okay, kid.” He said.
“No, it’s not. How could you?!” I blasted him backwards again.
“I ain’t gonna fight you, kid.” He shrugged. I was about to blast him again when I was suddenly pushed flat on my stomach. As I got up, I saw that the same had happened to everyone else. I looked around and saw Jean sitting bolt upright.
“Jean!” I yelled.
“Scott?” she asked, still confused. “Scott!” when I reached her I threw my arms around her.
“I thought you were dead!” I sobbed.
“Me too.” She laughed. She pushed me away for a second then her face lit up.
“She’s gone!” she screamed. “The Phoenix is gone!” We looked up to the see the Professor next to us. He smiled.
“It’s good to see you again, Jean.” He said. The other students and Magneto’s team were starting to wake up. It had only now hit me that they were still there. The dazed students were frightened, so Ororo flew over to comfort them. It did not take long for Magneto to see that the Phoenix had been defeated, and he was terrified. His two children, Wanda and Pietro, were there with him. When they saw the girl that was with Rogue, they ran towards her.
“Lorna!” cried Pietro. “You’re alright!” Magneto stood a fair way away from the rest of the commotion. He stood sullenly, seemingly waiting for something. The three children began talking to each other. After a while the turned to the Professor.
“Please,” began Wanda. “Will you accept us into your school?” The Professor looked at them kindly.
“Of course, my school is open to all mutants.” He agreed. Magneto looked strangely calm about his children joining the Professor. Eventually we all went back into the mansion. The Professor explained to all the students what had happened, while Ororo helped the Lehnsherrs settle in.

Erik’s POV
I left the scene almost as soon as my children went in with the X-Men. I must admit I was a little disappointed in Lorna, thinking that this was the right thing to do. It didn’t matter however, for I had found a mutant that had a fascinating ability. Two, actually. Her bones were unusually strong. They could protect against anything, even a bullet at close range. But the most interesting mutation that she possessed was the ability to see visions of the future. She refused to ever speak, except for one word.


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