Chapter 1

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A/n: Ok, this is just backstory/intro and stuff, it might not be interesting. If you're not interested skip to the end of Chapter 3 and begin Chapter 4.

 probably gonna write this with my friends so if I do I'll mention them

"YoU StUPId *******s You wOn'T GeT AwAY wITH ThISSSssS!!!!!" screamed the well dressed, slightly overweight man with a bag on his head.

"Sheesh, shut up already Mr. Prez. We have children here. Besides, we're SAVING you so could you pretty please SHUT UP ALREADY!!!"

"Ch-Chan hyung? What does the word that the fat man said mean?" asked a boy with braces.

"Don't worry about it, Innie. He's just stressed. It doesn't mean anything. And I'm sorry I raised my voice, I shouldn't have." Chan was also stressed. They were far from being in the clear, and he hated that the terrorists he had just had a meeting with undercover knew what he looked like. Another enemy on his list. But at least they had the President, so they were in the last phase of the 3 week long mission. 

"If you're saving me, then take the ******* BAG OFF MY HEAD!!!!"

Chan, the head of field ops sighed. "Unfortunately that is impossible as where we are driving is classified by the government."

"I'M THE ******** PRESIDENT!!!!"

"You are, and your language is disturbing the young ones here," Chan replied, patting the cute boy on his head. "Stay still". Chan then reached over to the President under the bag and duct taped his mouth.

"Excuse me, but we have a problem guys." 

"Seungmin? What is it?" asked Chan.

"As you asked, I hacked the cameras and locked the doors, garages and hangars, but one of the terrorists managed to override the system so we've got about 6 stolen army jeeps and 6 bikes about an hour away at the speed they're going to shoot us all and kill us and then we can all die. It happens." Seungmin delivered the news, getting excited only at the shooting and killing part.

"Ok, well we're gonna have to do something about that." Chan said slowly. "Well, Minho you got any weapons or whatnot to help us out?"

"Always, Chan. So the usual tyre shredders, you know to drop behind us and deflate the tyres of the cars and bikes, but those are boring so do we really need to use those?"

"Minho, we are using those if they are the most effective."

"Come on!!!  Those are no fun! Lets enjoy ourselves. I say we use the shrapnel bombs. Or at least blunt shrapnel bombs, if you're so worried about the well-being of certain murderous terrorists. With smoke and sound." Minho whipped around to look at Woojin. "Please?" 

Minho's sorrowful face was seen right through by Woojin. "Ah. I see. now that you put it that way, then I guess that maybe... NO!!! Are you stupid??" 

"Well," Seungmin injected, "I just ran the numbers, it seems that using both would increase our chances by about 13

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"Well," Seungmin injected, "I just ran the numbers, it seems that using both would increase our chances by about 13.75%. Just the tyre shredders give us a 78% chance, and the shrapnel bombs give us a 75% to 80% chance depending on the type. Using both gives us an average of 89.87% chance. So?"

Woojin felt like he was being attacked on both sides, so he was relieved when Chan put his arm around him and gave him a short hug because of the bouncy car. "Just let them do what they want, you can yell at them later, ok?"

"Let's do it then!!" Jisung had been checking in his mirror at his passengers while they argued, but as he lost concentration, he allowed the car to bounce into a kind of ditch before flying out, throwing the car into chaos. "Oops."

"And that, Christopher Bang Chan, is why I didn't want Jisung driving." Woojin looked at Chan who just shrugged. "He's fine just studying dead bodies, we don't need to be one of them."

At that moment, the walkie talkie crackled and Changbin's voice came over. He was in the car that was scouting in front, with Hyunjin and Felix. "We've reached the border between ******* and ******. The army has a base there so I think that the terrorists won't try attacking. Should we make our way back or wait here for you?"

"How far is it? We're at around Point F I think."

"Um, you should get there in around an hour to an hour and 15 minutes."

"Stay, then. Also, have you received any new information?"

Changbin had an uncanny knack of getting classified information over calls, websites, and conversations where one would usually just skip over it. He scraped clues off of everything, and he was almost always right. Not only that, he seemed to have many underground friends, plus he came from a high-ranking family. He'd never mention how high-ranking.

"Uh, yeah, got something from one of my 'buddies', you know. Seems that they've found a way to prevent themselves from being found on GPS or something. Could be trouble."

Jisung had his eyes on the road and was concentrating fiercely, to avoid another scolding. The president had shut up, Innie, aka I.N, aka Jeongin, was napping, and Minho was preparing the weapons. Seungmin was bopping to some music while typing (as usual), probably to I Am You or Grow Up, or something. Woojin wasn't really doing anything, probably just thinking, and Chan was looking at them doing these things. That's what was happening in the car.

When the gunshots hit the windows.

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