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Kira POV


There are moments that define a person's whole life. Moments in which everything they are and everything they may become balance on a single decision. Whether it be something as small as standing up to the school bully or something as big as teaming up with a fanatic in his little League and deciding to kill All Might. Some have more detrimental consequences than others.

The pro-hero, Erasurehead was fending off small-time villains left and right. Kurogiri had already begun phase one and separated class 1-A to weaken them. Even since seeing Erasurehead at UA I couldn't get him out of my mind. It was as if I had met the man before. Fragments of him were like pieces of a puzzle in my head that hadn't yet been connected.

I blamed it on my early childhood years of torture for scrambling my brain and turning it into putty, making my memory and existence seem fabricated.

"Time for the final boss," The hero announced as he charged at Tomura. He threw his scarf at Tomura, but I was quick to stop his actions. What an idiot. "Nomu, attack," The Nomu appeared in front of the hero and slashed him down, pounds of blood poured from under Erasure's eye. Not letting the man rest Nomu gripped the surface of his skull and slammed his head into the ground, breaking the first layers.

Walking towards the fallen hero I stopped before his broken body. Struggling, Erasure lifted his head and glared at me. He was seething with anger. He smelled like iron and his blood coated the bottom layer of my shoes. Laughing lightly I brought my leg back and slammed my foot against his jaw harshly, "So much for a pro-hero." Hearing his jaw dislocate, I sighed in satisfaction while he choked in pain. He was littered in wounds from the Nomu, myself, and Tomura using his decay on the heroes elbow. Flakes of his skin were denigrated and his muscles were exposed.

It was obvious that this alone wouldn't take him down, he was a pro after all, but I wouldn't let him ruin our plan. I was going to get a huge check out of this and I needed to succeed in order for that to happen.

The bloodied hero raised his head and his eyes turned deep red and his hair stood up proud. "Wow, you really are cool, Erasurehead," Tomura praised the man as he laughed maniacally and the Nomu smashed his head against the ground again. Following his eyes, I saw Tomura's hand over a green-haired girl's face who was similar to a frog. Erasurehead had used his quirk to erase Tomura's quirk. How interesting this was. I underestimated his power.

I made eye contact with a boy with green hair and I concluded he was Izuku Midoryia. I read all about him on his file. I'll have to watch out for his quirk.

"Nomu, attack those students," I ordered the mindless beast who obeyed. Midoryia's eyes widened in fear at my intimidating glare. His eyes traveled down to the gun held in my hand and met my eyes once more almost begging me to stop. Turning away, I walked towards the hero who laid on the ground.

"Mr. Aizawa, look out!" His cries fell on my deaf ears and I continued to ignore the boy. I crouched down to said man's height and grabbed his bundles of black hair. I roughly pulled his face towards mine and pointed my gun directly at his forehead. The blood from his face dripped onto the ground, but I ignored it.

"Tell me, hero. Where is All Might?" I observed his face and noted that he was unconscious. Sighing, I let go of his hair and watched as his face plummeted to the ground.

Kira the Killer - Boku No Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now