Chapter 7

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[Robin POV]

Robin knelt down and began to cut the zip ties holding his captor in place.

"Get up."


"Are you an idiot? I said get up," Robin said, already exasperated.

Leo looked equally annoyed. "Fine," he replied, standing up for the first time in days and almost immediately collapsing onto the floor.

Robin groaned, and reluctantly reached to help him up. Bending down to allow Leo's arm to rest supported on his shoulder, the pair stood up painfully, and headed towards the door.

"So where are you taking me now?" Leo asked, able to support himself a bit more now.

"Shut up and walk."

Leo rolled his eyes. Robin ignored him. The kid needed some food in his system more than he'd thought. He'd barely given him any food in the two weeks he'd been in the basement, and although he wanted him to be physically weakened, Robin wasn't looking to starve him completely. After all, a captive was only as good as the information they could give.

They entered the small underground kitchen area, which, to robin's dismay, was not empty. He pointed to a chair at the end of the table and ordered Leo to sit, before heading towards the stove. He eyed the men inside, giving them a silent warning. Don't talk to the captive. A basic rule, but one that Robin didn't want to risk being forgotten. He grabbed a pot and began to cook some pasta.

Shortly after, he placed the finished product on the table. "Eat."

Leo hesitated briefly, and then took a bite. "It's undercooked," he said, mouth full.

"Swallow before you speak. And you're lucky I fed you at all, so I'd think before complaining again," Robin said, masking embarrassment. Cooking was not his strongsuit and he knew it. He shot a glare to the chuckling spectators in the background, still working on cooking their own, probably much more appetizing, dish.

Leo was indeed on the brink of starvation, finishing the entirety of the pasta in under 5 minutes, despite its subpar quality.

"Geez," said Robin, taking the pot and dumping it into the overflowing sink.

"You two," he pointed to the others, "out."

"Eh? But our food-," one began.

"Don't make me repeat myself." They nodded reluctantly and left, leaving Robin and Leo alone once again.

"Finally," sighed Robin. "Let's begin, shall we?"

[Maria POV]

"Let's get started."

Nero had called everyone in the squad to meet early in the morning- well, everyone except for him.

Sure enough, he was revealed to be the topic of the meeting as Nero continued, "The goal for today is to discuss the progress of our plan. Plan being, use the newly converted shadow king to help us in making the final push against the remaining rebels, and in developing our knowledge regarding their abilities. We've been able to do ok at the first one thanks to Dr. Valencik, but the second part hasn't been so easy. You all are his closest teammates. You've been with him for every combat encounter. Now tell me, what's the issue here?"

"Well, the issue sir," began Eugene slowly, "is that there hasn't actually been any combat when it comes to Angelo. He passes out cold every time the mood gets too intense, let alone in the midst of any sort-,"

Nero cut him off. "Well that much is obvious. What I want to know is why."

"I can tell you," Maria spoke before Eugene could, "He's having flashbacks."

"Impossible," Nero scoffed, "We have at least 6 more months before that's a possibility."

"What makes you so sure?"

"The doctor has conducted extensive tests- the memory wipe is solid."

Maria could feel her frustration boiling over. "You said yourself a minute ago that we would know better than you. But now you won't even consider the possibility?"

"Maria, I know you don't like Angelo. I don't think anyone particularly does. But this is just beyond reason."

You're digging yourself a hole. Don't come crying to me when his memory returns and there's nothing we can do to stop him!"

Maria was fed up with the captain beyond belief. He never listened to her, never considered her opinion like he did that of Eugene or Hunter. Leo was the only one who'd stood up to her. In the heat of the moment, she found herself almost hoping for the shadow king to return just to be able to prove that she had been right. That for once, he should have listened.

Out of pure defiance she refused to speak or participate in any way for the rest of the meeting. When Nero finally called the meeting to a close, she strode out before anyone else could get the chance. As she entered the hall, the shadow a single figure heading quickly around the corner caught her eye.

"How odd..." she said quietly. Nobody should have been anywhere near the captain's office space at this time of day. Unless...

A realization struck her like a bolt of lightning and she took off quicker than her own brain could keep up. Around the corner and into a maze of corridors, chasing who she could only hope was her ticket to proving herself. She finally caught up, and thrust her hand to the man's shoulder and forced him around before pinning him to the wall. She ripped a mask off of his face and upon seeing it, was disappointed at the result. As it were, she had not been chasing after an eavesdropping Shadow King. But this catch could still prove itself quite useful.

"Who are you?" She began, knowing he wouldn't tell her. At least, not directly. There was still lots she could learn from his body language.

"I won't say."

Maria looked him over. Not very muscular, dressed in all black. He was a sorcerer, no doubt.

"How did you get in here?" She continued. Nobody knew the way to the captain's office. Not unless they had an inside source.

"Holy heavens," she breathed, another idea appearing in her brain.

"Eh?" The spy said, evidently confused by her sudden exclamation. No matter.

Maria opened her mouth to speak again but stopped as she heard the voices of her teammates and leaving the meeting room. She quickly pulled herself and the spy into the nearest door she could find and shut it silently, crouching down to the floor and covering the spy's mouth with her hand. She waited until their voices passed and were no longer audible before turning back to the spy.

"Look here," she said simply. "I know you're one of the Shadow King's guys. You're looking for him, aren't you?"

"Uh, I-,"

"I think we can help each other out. As it turns out, I am also looking for someone. If you cooperate with me, I won't turn you in. What do you say?"

The spy looked conflicted. "I really have to talk to my boss before I do anything..."

"That's fine," Maria said, aware of how reckless she was being. "Just go back to whoever sent you here and tell them this: I want Leo Morelli back. I know you have him. If you let me see him, I can lead you to your king."

"I can tell him I guess..." the spy said, standing up hesitantly.

"Go on," Maria beckoned him out. "But remember. I spared you."

She watched him leave, praying that her plan would work. If Leo was truly alive and in rebel captivity, forced to provide them with information, there was no real reason for them to need Maria's help. She could only hope that her proposal would appeal with their leader, and she would be able to trade Angelo's life back for Leo's.

I'm so sorry I haven't posted in so long! I hope you've enjoyed this chapter! If you did, please help me out by voting and commenting and sharing this story with any friends you think may enjoy it! Thanks!

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