birthdays whoopie

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- giant gold and pink balloons
- kinda looks like a baby shower tbh
- you're sO jelly of ariana grande's birthday message to millie
- you bet she threw a huge party full of A-listers
- ^you literally didn't have to do anything she planned this all by herself
- "go big or go home" "you are at home"
- you give her a sweet necklace with both of your initials in the shape of a heart
- she pulled together a massive surprise party
- "I wanted a small get-together millie" "didn't you tell me to go big or go home a couple months ago"
- you're so starstruck by celebrities
- ^there seems to be a new one around every corner
- after the party's over y'all still have a little energy left in you
- karaoke eNgAgE
- she bought y'all matching onesies

- calpurnia was on tour so he thought he didn't have time for any birthday celebrations
- ^spoiler alert he was wrong
- the crowd was so huge you got lost 5 times and trampled once
- you handed out signs that had letters on them
- in the middle of city boy you signaled everyone to hold them up
- it read 'happy birthday finn' and he was so caught off guard
- you gave him a new guitar bc his old one was cursed af
- you bet your ass he made you breakfast in bed
- he burnt them pancakes tho
- the positive fans' comments on his birthday post for you made you feel *so good*
- vanessa hudgens wished you a v happy birthday too
- ^y'all had to watch high school musical after that
- you had a v low-key bday but it was exactly what you wanted
- he got you a necklace with his name on it like the one troy bolton got for gabriella

- you invite every famous youtuber on the planet to your place via twitter bc noah aint on twitter no more
- ^except jake and logan paul we don't stan them
- his party is live streamed on 136 different accounts so it's all over the internet by now
- literally no one would be able to commit a crime the world is watching y'all
- it was liza's and lilly singh's idea to make you pop out of a giant wrapped box when he walked in
- his soul left his body
- rip noah 2k19
- you got him heelys™
- it was his turn to invite all the famous ppl
- noah schnapp is not your go-to party planner
- chloe ended up doing all the actual planning
- liza was the first one to show up
- ^her and noah got together the day before and made a massive cake with your face on it
-  guess who's head went in the cake? yours
- someone filmed it and they got 10 million views on the video
- he made you a paper coupon for one free back massage

- you snuck over to his family's place and made pizza with his grandpa
- ^that was gaten's 'cake'
- joe made his own little pizza too
- his mom makes a mean macaroni if you know what im sayin
- his smile was so big when y'all sat down for a family dinner
- he was so happy you were there
- he totally spiked joe's drink tho bc joe was the liFe oF tHe pArTy
- you gave him a star wars lightsaber even tho he had like 5
- it was nerf or nOtHiNg
- y'all made your own bases inside his family's house and had an all-out nerf war
- he accidentally shot a glass vase down and y'all had to take a time out to clean it up before his mom saw
- making exploding noises every time one of y'all shoot each other
- when y'all are taking a family photo you ask him to take his false teeth out
- "Gaten when I look back at these photos, I want to see your beautiful natural smile" "I just fell in love with you all over again"
- he gave you an expensive replica of jon snow's sword longclaw bc you're a huge game of thrones nerd
- gosh I can hear erica now

- you brought him into y'alls favorite basketbol team's locker room
- "Isn't this illegal" "Probably"
- it sTaNK of sweat but what did you expect
- you guys were allowed to run out onto the court with the players
- so much hype
- everyone signed your head instead of your jersey
- the kiss cam caught him gazing at you
- he was literally the heart eyes emoji sQuEE
- you pressed a piece of paper to your face and saved all of the players' signatures on that
- ^that's what you gave to him for his birthday
- movie marathon the night before
- you guys stayed up until the time you were born
- "happy birthday" *sNORE*
- he farted so loudly it woke you up
- you truly had a magical birthday
- he pulled out a promise ring tho and that's when you started sobbing

- y'all took on two different personas throughout the day
- yoga class at sunrise and morning meditation, skateboarding in the evening
- it rly wasn't smart to go skrting after dark
- make a wild guess who fell again
- you couldn't tell she was bleeding until y'all got back to the trailer tho
- so much blood you had to pull out the first aid kit
- sadie I hope you had the most spectacular birthday ever
- you got her a dreamcatcher to hang above her bed in her trailer
- y'all went to a music festival cus that's where the hippies at
- you wanted to get high af on your birthday but sadie shut that down real quick
- "could you get high on the music instead?" "give me the wEED"
- you knew charlie would be on your side tho maybe you shoulda spent your bday w him
- she still ending up having to carry you home even though you weren't on anything
- tired boi y/n
- she got y'all matching yoga mats
- "LeTs gO tO sOuLcYcLe" "y/n take a damn nap"

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