groceries by mallrat look it up

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- grabs all them jUiCeS
- she likes v specific granola bars can't get the crumbly ones
- no pizza or eggos for millie
- likes to hop in the cart while you wheel her around the store
- sticks her head into the freezer doors to cool off in the frozen foods aisle

- "they can't handle how wiLd we are finny"
- y'all knock over items when you're making out in the corner
- "seCURITY!!"
- they catch you *in the act*
- oopsies

- so many puns he makes
- liza's already taught him her ways
- "R. Kelly loves it when a Chick Peas" "that was a very scandalous joke for you"
- "I lied to my girlfriend and now I Falafel" "wHEN DID YOU LIE TO ME?!!?!?!??!?!"
- "I know that I can treat you Butter than Pecan" "that sounds like that Shawn Mendes song"
- the pun guys™

- he takes you back to the aisle where y'all first met
- both of you are a crying mess on the floor eating chocolate pudding
- that's how you spend your anniversary
- "You better pay for all of that young man" "but I ate so much"

- y'all are true adults
- civilized shopping 101
- he grabs a pack of baskquetbol cards in the checkout aisle when you're not looking
- sneak 100

- only vegan foods allowed
- "but I want baCoN" "here's the vegan versio-" "nO"
- v healthy shoppers
- checkout lady is v proud of y'all food choices

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