Chapter 2 - Your father's wishes

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I woke up as usual to Narcissa calling me to go downstairs. Only when I walked over to my mirror to get my slippers and robe did I realise that today is the day, the day that I go to Hogwarts, I have to take Draco as well, so that's a downside but I can deal. It's not like he is going to be in Slytherin too and if so it's not like we'll have all of our classes together."Elizabeth, hurry your breakfast will get cold." The same melodic voice that I have known my entire life called from downstairs."Coming", I shouted back, before running to my bedside table, where I had left my outfit for today, jeans and a green boob tube crop top. I slip on socks and my combat boots before running downstairs, sitting at the table and piling the food on my plate."You excited Lizzy?" I look over and see a smiling platinum blonde boy."Of course Dray." I smile back before continuing to eat my food. I looked up to see Narcissa and Lucius looking at me. I straighten my back before speaking, "yes?" They looked at me shocked. "You were staring at me?" They sat up straighter."We need to speak with you and Draco after you eat." Lucius explained. I nodded and continued to eat, glancing at Draco out of the side of my eye, to see him frozen, eyes wide. I lean over and whisper to him."Cat got your tongue?" He glared at me before he resumed eating his food. I finished quickly, waiting for the blonde pig to finish before standing up and walking towards the door. I walked into the lounge room, expecting to see Narcissa and Lucius. I'm confused when no one is there, I walk towards the lounge to see a scroll lying open on the table. "Draco, come here" He wonders over lazily. I look up at him and ask, "What do you think it is?""I don't know, read it, idiot." He snapped at me. I rolled my eyes and opened the parchment further."What are you kids doing?" I hear a voice say standing right behind Draco and I. I spin quickly, seeing Narcissa I relax slightly. "Anyway, I'm glad your both here. Lizzy, your Dad has made an arrangement." I look at her questioningly, waiting for her to continue. "Lizzy, you and Draco are going to date." She says it so quickly that I'm not even sure she actually said it. After a minute I finally realised what she said. "What?!?!?!.. You want me to date THAT?" I yelled."Lizzy, your father wants it so that no mudbloods will try and be around you. Draco will protect you." I look over at Draco to see him deep in thought. "What do you think, Draco?" Narcissa turns her attention from me to him, he snaps out of his thoughts before replying."I don't mind anything to please the Dark Lord." He turned to me and smirked, I glared back at him."I'm going up to my room to make sure I didn't forget anything." I said running up the stairs. 'How dare they think that I can't keep the muggleborns and mudbloods at bay on my own.' I stomped into my room and looked around my room, I was so deep in thought that I didn't hear the door open and close. I look over at the book lying on my desk waiting for me to pack it. I walked over and sat at the large cushioned chair."What are you doing? Writing in your diary?" I heard a voice tease. I spun in the seat to see Draco sitting on my bed. "No, I was just sitting." I shot back with a glare."Sure," he dragged out the word, saying it sarcastically. "That's why you jumped when I spoke.""Well Draco, not that it is any of your business, but I'm not allowed to tell you what the book is for.""Really. Since when have you followed the rules." He stood from my bed slowly walking over to me, I scooted till my back was pushed firmly into the chair. He continued advancing towards me. My eyes widened as his face leaned down to my height, his eyes bore into, as if seeing my soul. "I'm sure you remember your father's only real rule.." He paused giving me a chance to reply. I kept silent not wanting to speak in fear of my voice wavering. "No kissing boys unless your father approves of them when he rises again.. But if I remember, your 12th birthday party you were pretty frisky, and unless I've been out of it for the past three years, your father hasn't risen once again." I gulped, swallowing the saliva that had gathered in my mouth.Taking a breath, I opened my mouth to reply, "It's not like you were complaining, and it was a dare.""Really, just a dare. What exactly was this dare? To kiss me?""Exactly.""That's not what I was told the dare was.""What do you mean?""Come on Lizzy. You don't really need me to tell you." his eyes bore into mine as if trying to read my thoughts. I paused turning my head slightly to the side only to have it turned back by the pale hand on my cheek. He looked deep into my eyes once again. "Do you need a reminder." My entire body froze, the words repeating themselves in my head, distracting me, clouding my thoughts so much that I didn't notice Draco leaning in. I felt soft lips on mine for a mere second before he pulled away and began rubbing his head looking at the book that was once on the desk but was now on the floor to his left. Draco continued looking at the book in confusion, during this time you were regaining your common sense.You stood up looking at Draco, "I will.." He looks at you, making you gulp, having to surrender to your father's wishes, you breath in, glancing at the book you continue, "I will date you, but we will really just be friends that hold hands."He gave me a weird glance, one that had a hidden meaning that I didn't understand. "Sure princess, I'll be good." He walks towards me once again, getting in my personal space, leaning in to whisper into my ear. "But you're the one you will be begging for me."My face turns a slight shade of pink. "Will not." I refute."You will too." He shot back, he looked in thought before speaking again. "Let's make a bet, you fall for me by the end of the year and you have to be my servant for a week and our dating stops being fake and becomes real.""And if I don't." I questioned slightly intrigued as to where this was going."I will be your servant for a week and you won't have to fake date me at school, only at home in front of my parents."

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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