Chapter Twenty-One | The Fantastic Five Troop

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Chapter Twenty-One | The Fanstatic Five Troop 

"Oh, man, now this..." Steve opened the door to the parking at Starcourt Motel. We had exited the Starcourt Mall and walked to the parking looked and there parked was the garage was a sweet nice looking 1984 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz. "This is what I'm talking about!"

"Toddfather?" Robin asked as we inched closer to the Cadillac, the licences plate name was literally called toddfather. 

"Oh, screw Todd!" Steve exclaimed. "Steve's her daddy now." I cringed at the word 'daddy'. 

"Did you guy talk about yourself in the third person?" Robin questions as Steve jumped into the car. Robin climbed in the front, meanwhile us kids in the back.

 "Did he just call himself daddy?" I retort. 

"All right, where are we going?" Steve asked Dustin and I. 

"Weathertop," Dustin replied. 

"Weather-what?" Steve asked as he tried to turn on the vehicle. 

"Just drive," I demanded. 

"Okay!" Steve muttered loudly. "Jesus!" Steve then rolled out of the parking lot and gone we were. 


After a while, Steve got cranky at how far the distance was. Even though we were almost there. "Jesus, how far is this place, guys!?"

"Relax, we're almost there," Dustin reassured. 

"Suzie must be pretty special, huh?" Robin asked. "I mean if you built this thing and lugged it all the way to the middle of nowhere just to talk to her?"

"I mean, nobody's scientifically perfect - sorry, Aspen - but Suzie's about as close to being perfect as any human can possibly be," Dustin said and I shoot him a playful glare. 

"Jeez, my ego." I placed a hand on my heart.

"She sounds made-up to me," Erica adds in. Erica turns to me. "She sounds made-up to you?" Yes, she does, but I won't admit it out loud to hurt Dustin's feelings. 

No one's more perfect than me

Just kidding, almost everyone is. 

"Why are you hesitating, redhead?" Dustin narrowed his eyes at me when he realised I wasn't speaking. 

"I'm... I'm... I'm not!" I stutter out. "I'm not! I think she sounds real. You know, totally, absolutely real." 

"Left." Dustin suddenly said, forgetting about our argument. "Turn left." 

"There's not a road here." Steve pointed out. 

"Turn left now!" Dustin and I both yelled out at Steve. Steve then took a sharp left and drives through a gate. 

"Woah, redhead and Henderson; where are we going!?" Steve yelled quickly as we drive up the hill. 

"Up!" Dustin and I replied. We continued to drive up and there was a little step hill part. 

"Oh, Jesus!" 

"We're not gonna make it!" Robin yelled at us. 

"Yes, we are," Steve replied with so much determination. "Come on, baby. Come on, baby!" 

The car then gets stuck in the mud which really downs the mood. He tries to keep going forward, but the car was officially stuck

"Guess the Toddfather has its limitations," Robin tells us. Steve then turns off the engine and we all got our things before walking up to Cerebro.


"Bald Eagle, do you copy?" Dustin asked on the walkie talkie once we had gotten to Cerebro. I'm hoping they'd made it down there, without getting caught. "Bald Eagle, I repeat, this is Scoops Troop, do you copy?" 

Don't judge Scoop Troops, okay? I made it up and everyone agreed that we were team Scoop Troops. Erica made up Bald Eagle which I 100% agreed on, Murray, not so much. 

"Yes, I copy," Murarry speaks in the walkie talkie. 

We all chuckled with relief. "Call sign?" Dustin asked. 

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