The Killer Is Revealed

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As Gavin and I were dancing together, I noticed Pedro, kept his eyes on Vivienne and never stopped following her, even though she told him not to.

I then realised something, as I tried to solve the murder starting with Rachel, then Tori, then Loren and Jay and Sara, and remember those clues that Gavin and I said, and later the evidence

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I then realised something, as I tried to solve the murder starting with Rachel, then Tori, then Loren and Jay and Sara, and remember those clues that Gavin and I said, and later the evidence.

"Gavin!", I cried. "Chels, what's wrong?", he asked. "I know who the killer is.", I replied. "Who?", he asked. I looked at Pedro, as he kept harassing Vivienne.

"Viv is the next victim, we have to arrest Pedro now!", I cried. "Viv, I just want....", Pedro replied. "Please stop following me!", Vivienne cried. I arrived and stood in front of Vivienne.

 I arrived and stood in front of Vivienne

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"Stay away from her!", I cried. "What are you talking about?", he asked. Gavin appears from behind and held his arms. "Pedro Vega, I'm arresting you for the murders of Rachel Brown, Victoria Tomaz, Loren Hayes, Jayden Coven and Sara Vaughan.", Gavin replied as he handcuffs Pedro.

"What?", Pedro cried. "Pedro, is this true?", Vivienne asked. "No! It wasn't me! I would never hurt them!", Pedro cried. Then I realise something, he isn't the killer. "Wait! It's not him.", Chelsea replied.

"Are you sure?", Gavin asked. "Yes, I remember that the killer is an obsessed stalker, and Pedro is not that kind of person.", Chelsea replied. "If he's not the killer, then who is?", Gavin asked.

Then, Ben came to us. "Hey guys, have you seen Bethany? I can't find her anywhere!", Ben replied. Then I realised that Bethany is the next murder victim, not Vivienne. "Oh, no!", I cried, as I ran out of the gym.

 "Oh, no!", I cried, as I ran out of the gym

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