Chapter 8: Nightmare.

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A few days passed. I was eating some chocolate when there was a knock at the door. Ink was taking a nap, Dream was out looking for his brother, and Blue was at home. Who knew where the other Star Sanses were. I go and open the door, still eating my chocolate. Dust stood there.

"Error! What are you doing here? Cool new outfit!"Dust says, stepping back in shock.

"HeYa, DuSt. DrEaM atTacKeD mE & iNk bRoUghT mE hEre tO hEal. InK mAdE tHis siNce DreAm rUinEd mY lAst OnE. BuT I coUld AsK yOu tHe sAmE quEsTioN."I state, finishing my chocolate.

"I was gonna visit Blue! Nightmare sent me to....find weaknesses! Ya that's it! Hehe."Dust explains, his face getting a shade of purple blush.

"Uh-huH. ThEn hOw aNd wHy wEre yOu aT a sLeEpOvEr thaT hE dId nOt KnOw aBoUt? BlUe toLd mE eVeRyTHing. PlUs, He ain'T hEre RIgHT nOw."I say with a shake of my head

"Well, I just wanted to be independent. Can't be Nightmare's minion forever, right? He's not? Dang it! I'm too late to warn him! Wait, he told ya everything? What did he say about me?"Dust asks

It was clear he was hiding something. I didn't let him inside, even though he's the most trusting and trustworthy skeleton I find out of that gang, as well as my friend in it. But if Blue or Ink is in trouble, I needed to know.

"RiGhT. WhAt dO yOu mEaN wArN? Of WhAt? I-Is BlUe iN dAnGeR? He dId. He cAlLeD yA a GrEaT fRIeND."I say

"Oh goodie! Nightmare plans to attack Underswap to lure Ink and Dream into a trap! And he is willing to kill Blue! I know we're his friends so I knew you and him would want to know!"Dust explains

I look around quickly and pull him inside quickly. I wake Ink up and explain everything. I tell him to stay here in order for the trap to fail. Dust and I are within the gang so they won't fight us and we'll figure out a way to get Blue back if the plan was in action already. And, maybe, Dream too if he also got his skull into this mess. I open a portal and Dust worriedly hops through. I glance back over at Ink, who smiles at me. We both had the same thought and nod to each other. Dust and Blue. I then step through with my strings ready behind my back. I shut the portal.

Sure enough, there was Nightmare's gang in Underswap. Killer, Cross, Horror and Nightmare of course. Fell was at UnderFell I knew. Dust was walking beside me. Each of them were facing off. Nightmare was busy fighting Swap!Pap and I know from experience that the Papyrus is great at fighting and distracting the opponent. Horror and Cross were fighting Captain Alphys and Killer was fighting Napstabot. All would be busy for a while and none of them seemed to notice Dust and I arrive, which was good.

Dust took the opportunity to lead me toward Blue's house. I was confused on why. The battle was in Hotland, meaning Blue must be captured and hidden there, right? Wrong.

"Nightmare planned to keep Blue at the last place anyone would look:where they attacked! Now c'mon!"Dust says

We reached the house to find it a wreck. Knives, bones and marks from Gaster blasters were everywhere. I simply tap the door and it fell inward, breaking into pieces. I enter with Dust following. We search the ruined place. I soon found Blue, tied up in his very room and in a bone cage.

"DuST! He'S oVeR hErE!"I yell.

Dust came and quickly broke the bone cage with a single blow of a bone attack. I lift Blue with my strings and smile. That was easy. Dust hugs Blue and Blue weakly hugs back while I untie him from behind Dust's back. He was in horrible shape. I then use another string to search for Dream. The string soon dragged the unconscious glow-stick from Swap!Pap's room.  Dust then got a worried look in his eyeholes.

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