Chapter 9: Nicknames

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"YoU reMeMbEr WhAt tHat cOde iS, rIgHT?"I ask.

Dust wipes some crumbs from his mouth with his sleeve. His smile grew and his eyes became half open. Dust nodded.

Blue froze, dropping the tray of tacos. His eye lights shrank and his face lit up. A bright BLUE too.

"No! The Magnificent Sans does not approve! Leave me alone! Not again!"Blue yells

I watched with Ink still in my grasp as Blue tried to run. Dust simply grabs Blue by the back of his scarf, picking him up by it. Dust pulls Blue close and holds him under an arm like a ball. He then began to tickle Blue with his newly free arm while running off. Blue could be heard between laughs demanding to be put down immediately. That was followed by a crashing noise that worried me. Before I could say anything, Blue ran by. His face lit up and hidden behind his gloved hands, yet managed to run upstairs and slam the door shut. I hear the click of the door locking.

Dust soon came in, muttering to himself. I look at him, confused. He kept his hood up, facepalming himself repeatedly. He seemed to be very embarrassed. I was silent. He then had an outburst.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid! Why'd I do that? Idiot!"Dust snaps at himself.

"Ya oKaY?"I ask

"There was something in that taco...I lost control a-and k-k-k-kissed him! He kicked his way out of my hold and looked so scared or shocked. I probably messed everything up. I'm so stupid!"Dust explains, pacing and shaking a fist.

"HeY, cAlM dOwn. I tHink I caN hElP, But I suggeSt hiDing iN a CloSet NoW."I explain

"Why?"Dust asks

"3....2....1."I say, waiting to cue correctly

"DUST!"Dream yells, slamming the door open from his room.

I whisper the directions to Dust and he teleports away. Dream comes barging in and searches for Dust.

"I will not allow another one of my allies to fall for a maniac! An idiot even!"Dream claims, stomping his foot.

"RiGhT heRe. AnD mAyBe yOu sHoUlD tRy bEinG wHat YOu pROTEcT. Ya knOw, PosItIve? HEard oF iT?"I say with a roll of my eye-lights

Dream glares at me, then it turned to an epiphany moment, as if he didn't think of it before. He nods and then went outside. I shake my head. Then I realize Ink had gone silent. More than usual.

Wait, what does he mean by another? I know Blue probs has the feels for Dust, but who's the other? Wait....IS A FRISK CRUSHING ON SOMEONE IN THE GANG? No....Could it be Ink? But on who? I'm so confused. Ink could fall for someone?

I release my grip on Ink and he got up, gazing at me. I saw so many emotions in his eyes that I couldn't tell anything. What he was thinking, gonna say or do. All I could do was sit and watch. Ink took the puppets from his jacket around his waist and place them on the table.

"InK, aRe tHerE anY oTheR StAr SAnseS gEttInG....fEElInGs?"I ask

Ink's face went rainbow.

"I'm surprised Blue didn't tell ya. If he told of my blushing to you after you noticed, I was sure he was gonna tell you...then the puppets and all that. It may be wrong....but I'm that other Star Sans Dream meant. And it''s on you.I was that person who yelled in Outertale that I loved you. I just simply forgot that you went there! Hehe!"Ink explains, holding my hands and shutting his eyes with a smile.

I felt my face light up. I stare at him in shock and felt myself jump at him holding my hands. I'm so stupid! He's right! But at the same time, did Blue tell him how I felt? What does he know? What do I know? Gah! He looks so cute and happy!

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